
I need some australian facts?

by Guest67056  |  earlier

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ok. i am going to tasmania in a few weeks with my school and we have to do this thing were we put down 30 dot point of interesting info about it and i was just wondering if you had any or u had a website? thanks. and by the way the best answer will get 5 points. PAT




  1. you can cunsult to me my email add is yentl_cruz. you will like it!


  3. first find out how Botnee Bay was

    was started and why   ? does the Devil live there

  4. General Information

    The capital of Australia is Canberra

    The population of Australia in 1992 was 17,562,000

    Life expectancy for men is 75 years

    Life expectancy for women is 80 years

    Australian Geography

    The lowest annual rainfall occurs at Lake Eyre in South Australia, with an annual mean precipitation of about 100mm.

    The highest annual rainfall occurs at Tully in Queensland, with an annual mean precipitation of 4400mm.

    The lowest overnight ground temperatures recorded in Australia were at Canberra with -15.1 degrees, and Stanthorpe in Queensland with -11.0 degrees.

    The foggiest capital city in Australia is Canberra with an annual average of 47 fog days, Brisbane with 20 days, and Darwin with 2 days.

    Melville Island (5698km square), near Darwin, is the largest Island in Australian Waters (apart from Tasmania).

    The highest point in Australia is the top of Mt Kosciusko in New South Wales (2230 metres).

    The lowest point in Australia is 15 metres below sea level at Lake Eyre in South Australia.

    The largest lakes in Australia include Lake Eyre (9500km2), Lake Torrens (5900km2) and Lake Gairdner (4300km2) which are all in South Australia.

    The largest artificial lake in Australia is Lake Argyle (700km2) which is in Western Australia.

    The Deepest lake in Australia is Lake St Clair.

    The Murray River is the longest river in Australia at 2520km, combining with the Darling and Upper Darling Rivers to form the Murray-Darling basin. The Murray Darling extends over 15% of the continent, and serving 4 States and the ACT with water. The Murray also supports about 1/3 of Australia's agricultural production, supports 50% of Australia's sheep and croplands, and 25% of beef and dairy herds, contains about 62% of the country's irrigated land and supplies 50% of South Australia's water.

    The continental shelf below Australia varies in width between 30km and 240km.

    Australia is the Worlds Largest Exporter of:







    Refined zinc ores

    Mineral sands

    Other Exports Include:








    Iron Ore

    Principal Trading Partners Include:

    Japan, USA and EC member states

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