
I need some beauty tips for traveling?

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I'm traveling in like a week, a 8 hour plane ride and about 2 plus hours for the connecting flight and are there some beauty essentials that i should have with me so i look refreshed and not like i feel out of a bucket.... me please!




  1. It's very difficult to bring anything that has a liquid or even lotions because of the TSA rules about liquids. You will want to check with the rules, size of the bottles allowed and how to pack them. Once you have done that:

    Lotion: Airline recycled air is very drying.

    Water: to stay Hydrated and to help with bloating/swelling.

    Travel sized hairbrush, Face powder (dry), Deodorant (not roll on.....Liquid may get confiscated due to size)

    Chapstick....have to have that at least.....

    Yes. They will confiscate any liquid that is over the ounce limit and not packed properly.

  2. wet naps. you know the ones some bars will give out?  Those are GREAT for washing your face after a long plane ride, and feel fresh again.  

    If you plan on bringing any liquid cosmetics in your carry-on remember that they must be under 3oz (or 100ml) and all your liquids must be contained inside a 1 litre (or 1 quart) sized clear bag and must be removed for inspection at security.

    Good luck!

  3. get a paket of baby wipes or toilets. when you are sitting around for like 12 hous you face is bound to feel dirty after a while. the wipes with make you feel quite refreshed.

    and you can't really splash water on your face in the plane's bathroom sink cuz they use certain chemicals in the water so you don't really want to put it on your face. its safe to wash your hands in but i think it would make your face feel even more gross. but wipes will make it feel nice.

    plus when you are just sitting on the runway them turn the ac on and off every few minutes so you will get sweaty then feel ok then sweaty again its gross.

    bring some coveru p so you can powder your face and make you not look so tired and worn out.

    chap stick cuz it gets really dry on the plane.

    a lip gloss so your lips always look great.

    and def a little bottle of hand lotion since its dry in the plane.

    and some body spray to feel like you smell fresh.

    and deoderant is a must.

    PS. to make sure you don't have any problems that "sweet and sunny" brought up

    here are the rules:

    you can bring as many 3oz or less bottles that can fit into a 1 quart size clear plastic zip lock baggie.

    such products that would pertain to the rule are:



    body wash

    spray on or gel deoderant

    tooth paste



    lip gloss *note you don't have to put chap stick or lipstick in just lip gloss.

    any other liquids, gels , or lotions.

    remember a container that only has a capacity to hold 3 oz or less so just buy travel sized plastic containers that are 3oz or less and fill them up with your products.

    usually tooth paste normal sized is no more than 3ozs

    and also most deoderants are also in containers that are 3ozs or less. just make sure you check the container to be sure it is 3oz or less.

  4. As some might be familiar with, it gets really dry while you're up there so make sure you load yourself with moisturiser and lip balm. I usually don't wear make up if I'm on a flight to prevent it from clogging my pores, but if you do have to wear makeup, I'll suggest you go with liquid foundation. Also, try to sleep during the flight to prevent dark circles/undereyes.

    I try to get up and wash my face and reapply moisturizer and massage my face in a circular motion every couple of hours or so, to make sure the blood circulation is okay.

    One last thing, be aware of liquid item restrictions that the country you're flying from is having. U.S. airports limits liquid items to less than a hundred mL and all liquid items to be carried on board are inside a quart-size ziploc.

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