
I need some brake info. please!!?

by  |  earlier

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My brakes won't quit squeaking! I don't even have to hit the brakes. I can just think about hitting the brakes & they will start squealing (I won't even have my foot on the brake). It squeaks when I'm rolling before I come to a stop. It is SO LOUD & ANNOYING. I got my brakes & rotors changed a while back & the guy said (right before I was gettig in my car) that my brakes are going to sqeak for a little because they are new...that didn't sound right, but I left anyways & they haven't quit squeaking since!!! Then about a month ago I got new tires & they said that I didn't need new brakes, but they must of done something because they got worse! I can't stand it anymore & I don't want to waste a lot of money again if it's something I can do myself. I wanted to get some brake spray, but I was told that it wasn't going to work, etc. So if you know what I can do, PLEASE LET ME KNOW. I will be very, very happy! Thank you.




  1. sounds like the caliper isnt releasing the pads away from the rotor.

  2. clean your brake pads they might have dirt or small rocks in them! when you clean them you have 2 take the tires off and the brake pads then clean them with some spray then wipe them off then put them back on if they are all scrached up with deep groves it won't work so check them cuz you might have 2 buy new ones again! but when you are puting them on drip a little car oil on them that will make them stop squeaking! they need some lub! lol they are squeaking cuz they are rubbing and they are getting hot! so just do all this and if this doesn't work then you will have 2 take it in and have it looked at but take it 2 the same place as last time and see what they say they can do 2 get them 2 stop! k

  3. From experience I can tell you, if you (mechanic) buys the cheapest aftermarket brake pads then you will have squeaking for the life of the pads.

    Either put up with the noise or switch to mid-priced semi-metalic or even better higher priced ceramic. That would solve your problem.

  4. No to the oil, no to the spray, no to cheap brake pads. Everybody shops for the cheapest price in car repairs and then has to have the job redone to get it right. The fact is that there are lots of inferior parts for sale out there. Buy name brand or dealership, spend a little more and sleep at night.

    Have the brakes dissembled down to the rotors. Check the rotor run out and the thickness against factory specs. Inspect the surface for bluish burn marks and scoring. If you see either have the rotors resurfaced or replaced. Inspect the pads for irregular wear. Replace these if necessary.

    Your work should all still be under warranty by any reputable shop.

  5. well its true about the brakes squeking when they are first installed especially if they are metalic noisy but one of the best in performance, i honestly would go back to where they where installed and let them know what your problem is

  6. some of the after market pads will squeak a bit, but what you are descibing isn't right. Take the car back to the originall brake installer and insist they make it right.

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