I've been thinking a lot about neuropsychology, because I think it would be an interesting field, but my dad has been pushing it on me a lot. The thing is, I don't think I'd be happy in a scientific field. I've always been a creative person, and I love to sing and write. I really don't want my creative side to go to waste, so I've thought a lot about journalism lately. I told my dad this, and he instantly shot down the idea, saying that it's really hard to get a good job in journalism. This is true...but I guess my question is, how hard is it to get a high position as a journalist? I hate to say it, but salary is really important to me. My dad is kind of scaring me into a medical career, and while that would be interesting and I'd have a stable salary, I have a gut feeling that it is absolutely not what I want to do. Any advice?