
I need some cheering up....ideas?

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I'm starting school in about two weeks and theres a lot of things I'm worried about. I always get nervous before starting a new grade, but now that I'm getting older school is getting more intense. I'm also doing the swim team for my school, and I'm worried i wont be able to balance the work, along with practice, and a boyfriend. I have CAPTs this year, and I'm worried about them too. I'm basically worried everything will go wrong. Im also due for my period so this week im all messed up. Are there any ideas as to how i can just calm down and just be a kid?? I just want my mind off it.Thanks!




  1. First of all, let me tell you that I had 18 years of schooling by the time I finished my Masters Degree.  Every year was more fun than the one before it because the coursework became more interesting. You are worrying now because it is all an unknown until school starts. Take a deep breath and let yourself relax. It will be okay.

    Each year you get more of the basics behind you and get to taste something new. Perhaps it will be a science course, or a new art class, or learning a foreign language, but it makes the new year fun.

    You do have a lot on your plate -- swim team, studies, work and the boyfriend. You may have to set priorities. If you have to work, then studies and work come first and swimming and the boyfriend get fit in around the edges. I know that's hard -- particularly when you have to

    give up time on things you like for things you must do.

    It might give you more peace of mind to review some time management materials. I like David Allen's Getting Things Done and Stephen Covey's 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. There is also a book, 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens,  that my daughter likes.

    If you can get everything written down so you don't forget it, then review your lists regularly (like every Sunday night) then plan the coming week, it gives you the freedom to not worry during the week. You know what you are doing when. There is no need to stress about Friday's Chemistry test on Monday when you are swimming laps because you know you have scheduled to work on Chemistry Tuesday after school.   You may miss seeing the boyfriend on Tuesday, but you know you will see each other on Wednesday after work. See? The stress is less because there is structure to your world.

    Check your local library. I'm sure they will have a variety of time management materials. If they don't, ask the librarian to get something for you through Inter-library loan.

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