
I need some cheering up?

by  |  earlier

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I know I seem like a baby letting this effect me but. I write a short series online, don't get me wrong it isn't the best series ever. But its not like its the worst series ever. So many people messaged me on how much it sucked and how stupid I am. I let it go and just didn't let it affect me but after so many many people message you saying you suck at something so bad it starts to hurt. I need a little cheering up, not people saying I'm a good writer, just some cheering up.




  1. That majorly sucks girl people on the net can be such arseholes but dont let it affect you.  Just take comfort in the fact that theyre just insecure and need to bash someone else cause their life is pretty crappy

  2. Ahhh no you keep writing your story! Do NOT let them get you down because the internet is full of flamers who will hate you no matter how hard you try! You must NOT let them get to you!

    And besides-- if you really like your story, someone else will, too!

    There's a reason why you like it! That's because it's obviously a good series!!

    Is it anime?! :3 Lol!

    I also write some anime fanfiction. lol! But I have never shown it to anyone... ^~^

  3. The painter Van Gogh has some of the most popular paintings ever but while he was alive he was not famous. So people could say that he sucked while alive. Also irregardless of how you write, you are still great and wonderful.

  4. what did the big chimney say to the small chimney?

    you're too young to smoke!! =)

    hope you feel better!

  5. do u still like to write? u really like to write?...your just gonna let ppl get to u like that?...the brick wall is built to keep out the ppl who don't want it really bad, if u really want it, u will break it down and continue to the other side, Randy Paush, a very intelligent man, just fix it, your not gonna just stop and get sad unless u already gave up.....

  6. Listen to some music or play some video games that will cheer you up.  

  7. its who u r and no matter what ppl gonna say dont pay attention to them they just dont have enything else except critisizing whateveru want and dont let other who dont even know what they want from this life to effect u ....they are just some bunch of monkeys all they do is eating bananas ..dont worry  

  8. A nurse at a pediatrician's office gave a 7 year old boy a specimen cup during an office visit.  She pointed to a door and asked him to go in and to pee in the cup.  The boy did as he was told, opened the door, entered the bathroom and closed the door behind him.

    As the nurse was filling out the lab form, the boy returned with the empty cup.  The boy said to her, "Thanks, but I didnt need it.  There was a toilet in there".

    Anyway.....How did we master the skill of walking?  By trying and falling down.  How many skinned knees did it take for you to learn to ride your bike on two-wheels?  Your writing will develop and people will still have bad things to say.  The issue is theirs, not yours.

    Good Luck!

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