
I need some courses about chemical engineering option for a freshman !?

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please i want to study at abroad and i would like to choose chemical engineernig as my major so i need some information about courses this major.





  1. bear with me...this is going to be a lot to read!

    i dun quite fully grasp what you are trying to ask but i take it as being, you are still new to chem eng and want to know of options to choose from.

    Id say it really depends on ur interest. So far some of the 'core' chem eng topics/courses are in the areas of;

    reaction engineering - dealing mainly with reactions in huge reactors and the stuffs that relate to it

    catalysis - use of catalysts to speed up reactions and its use in many differnt forms (embedded in packed beds etc)

    membranology - use of membranes (filter-like beings) that is often used in filtering out unwanted materials, separating materials and the many applications.

    fluid dynamics - everything that has got to do with fluids and its movements (includes the use of pressures, density, shear stresses of fluids)..basically a story about fluids

    computational - use of softwares such as matlab in solving complex engineering mathematics

    Environmental management - stuff got to do with green technology such as pollution control and the use of things like membranes to filter out pollution.

    and many many more that do not fall under 'core' chemical engineering. Hope that helps.

    Chem Eng student on a holiday

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