
I need some decorating ideas for a little girl who loves Hannah Montana, but?

by  |  earlier

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But, I don't want to decorate exclusively with Hannah Montana. I want some ideas that will grow with her, thinking of music notes on wall,'s? That kind of thing....any ideas out there? Thanks. Oh, by the way, she's eight. So too old for cutsie themes, but not quite ready for the teen room yet.




  1. Hannah Montanna Posters, I think wal-mart has some comforters of her for cheap. They probably have lamps and stuff too.

    Paint the room maybe a purple or hot pink.

    Hope i helped!


  3. I would have her pick two colors for example pink and green

    do all the walls a solid color and then do like a stripes running hirzontally at different thicknesses. Or vertical stripes or chic polka dots. some sort of paint job that she can grow with. not sure what your policy it but she could do posters of hannah and maybe a bulletin board of hannah stuff. she could get regular bedding and a few throw pillows of hannah. and maybe a few accsessories of hannah like a lamp or something.

    kudos to you for thinking ahead!

    some stripes links :

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