
I need some feed back

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when i was nine years old i hit puberty. but now i am wishing that it didnt happen so soon. i am now 15 years old and have a 7.5 inch d**k is this normal and is the other kids bigger or smaller. so i be afraid and/or embarrassed?




  1. Dude your fine. That's over average. They won't say anything about it.

  2. they wont say anything, most likely they will back away cautiously. U r fine the way that u are. i started puberty at 10 and im 12 with a 7' d**k

  3. wow, you are one of the lucky ones ;-)

  4. you're fine.  in fact, you're above average, size wise.  And, when you started puberty has nothing to do with this;  it's purely genetics.  You would rank as one of the 'bigger' boys in your class, I'm sure.

  5. Yea its cool man i understand you. Its not a bad thng that happend to me when i was your age now im 21 with a little more then 10 inches and all the girls my i sleep with say im big for my age but it has nothing with age its all in you genes. Just learn how to use what you have i know i did and you will be a seual beast well if you eat right . But you are ok kid just dont force it in and kill a chick
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