
I need some fighting tips???

by Guest62384  |  earlier

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Aight, im scrap a ***** at least 5-6" taller den me, but I ain't scared i juss need some tips on how to take him out quickly, but no groin or between the leg shots!?! I am a boxer but can't use my moves on him, so where's the best place other then the groin, to take him out for the count???




  1. attach yourself to him with a head lock then bite his cheeck and hear him squeel like a a little piggy!!

  2. Hit Him In Da Ear Reeeeeeal Hard

  3. Learn some basic 2 legged takedowns. Remember NOT to try and pick him up during takedowns but instead to just wrap your arms securely around him and shove him down with your shoulders as you FOLLOW him to the ground. Once he's down, just do the good'ol ground and pound.

  4. Look which leg he stands on. Then when he throws a punch,kick the leg he stands on at the knee. He will go down like a w***e on a saturday night.Then walk away.He won't be able to follow you.

  5. It's hard fighting someone that much taller than you.  Most people would say you should try to get in close to him.  I suppose I agree.

    Here's something you can think about trying:

    I saw someone shoeshine a guy in a streetfight a while back, and he crumpled and went down without being able to retaliate.

    So maybe you can try that -- just alternate punches and hit him in the gut and try to hit his liver and spleen with each punch.  If he drops his hands, hit him in the chin.

  6. the neck will take him out good, but u may kill him

  7. study martial arts, because your not talking about regular boxing

  8. Throat or his liver. Get a clean liver shot wooooooooooow thats some pain.

  9. a swift opening fly kick to his knee

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