
I need some fund raising ideas for my daycare...any suggestions will be helpful...thank you...?

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I need some fund raising ideas for my daycare...any suggestions will be helpful...thank you...?




  1. Depending on where you are and the closest recycling plant, you could ask parents to bring their newspapers for recycling.  My son's daycare would rent out a bin and at month's end they would pay off the rent, send in the bin and get $28 a ton.  Because they were a licensed business they received a discount on the rental bin and they usually had 18 to 20 tons! A month!  I suspect it is more now.  We also recycled soda cans.  We had the usual bake-sale.  Then we developed a craft-faire where parents, grandparents and other family members contributed 20% of their sales to the daycare.  It took a bit of work to get the sales tax and IRS stuff figured out, but if one of the parents is a tax attorney (like we had) it works out.

    One of the parents gave us a really good idea.  We started scanning in the children's artwork and making home made greeting cards for the parents to buy.  Staff and parents wrote the greeting on the inside and we sold them only at the craft-faire.  They were a big hit!  We also had silent auctions on various craft-items donated to the school.

    I realize that you may be a smaller home daycare, but with a little adjusting for size and scope, maybe some of these ideas will help.

    We were also open to donations of yarn, crayons, paper, etc.  Luckily a city newspaper donated pads of newsprint every three/four months.  They weren't exactly fund raisers, but they cut the operating costs.

    Good luck.

  2. i saw a boy in the paper that collected pennies and had donations but he gave it to a charity, what would you use it for?

  3. I do a Home INteriors fundraiser every year right before Christmas - the smaller candles are affordable for anyone and I always make around $1500 - I save it for summer expenses when I don't have a steady income.

  4. Bake sales always work.  You may also want to try selling candles, picture frames, raffle gift certificates for like pedicures, manicures, coffee shops, etc.

  5. We had an auction and every class made a project  i.e. rainy day box, a class mural, art box etc and the parents bid on the items.

  6. you can do a carnival, or have parent's night out once a month.  Even like on a Saturday.

  7. People pay you to watch their kids, why do you need a fundraiser?

  8. a carh  wash our daycare had a car wash  on a Saturday

  9. It depends on the type of fund raiser you would like to have. A good suggestion would be a trike a thon where the children could bike around a parking lot or a drive way and raise money for each lap they do or a flat donation.

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