
I need some fundraising ideas...?

by Guest61390  |  earlier

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Preferably Sports related. The wackier the better!




  1. Raffle off a jersey/ football/ basketball/ tennis racket autographed by someone famous in that sport.

    More raffle ideas: do you have local pros? Get a golf pro to donate a gift certificate for golf lessons & raffle that off. Tennis lessons, swim lessons at the Y, personal trainer...

  2. swim in your local pool but in fancy dress or a pram /trolley push round the town

  3. You can't beat the old "Nude factor calenders" You know. Eleven nudes each holding an item of their sports equipment. ie. A netball, hockey stick, trainers. get the idea? OK now get some volunteers. PS. Count me out!

  4. Dress up sports marathon!

  5. bike rides- themed as something like from outof space

    running mini marathon[like 2 or 3 miles] dressed up

    skipping races themed

    hop skip and jump [themed]

    then at the end you can ave a compitition of who looks the best etc

    then by the side of the races you can sell cakes and drinks and stuff, you can get tesco value things and they you will get a profit!

  6. sponsored fancy dress run

  7. fancy dress car wash?

    cake stall?

    if you are still in school or college arrange a sponsored football match or sports tournament agaisnt the teachers, which was what we done at my school to raise money for a charity challenge trip to Africa!

    good luck with what ever you choose x

  8. How about organizing a Bands Contest in the neighbourhood and collect for the admission tickets?

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