
I need some good honest advice?

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well i broke my leg badly last football season (compound fracture) im physically able to play this season but am mentally afraid of getting hurt and going through the same stuff as last season. im not sure if i should play or take this year off and play next season since i am only going into my sophomore year im so confused on what i should do....also my favorite thing in the world to do is ski and i was very upset last winter when i didnt get as much skiing as i had wished in




  1. If you're only gonna be a sophomore, take a year off.  Unless you're reallllly wanting a college scholarship, don't risk it.  If you take the field too soon, it could be a disaster.  Just take a year off and work on it, get it stronger and you should be good.

  2. ok buddy, i played football for ten years. i am also an excellant golfer. i had to give up golf to play football. u know why? because just like skiing, u have the rest of ur life to play golf. u get one chance at football and ur done. ur afraid of getting hurt??? why? i know alot of guys who took a year off and they never came back. football is not suppose to be easy and u have to be tough to do it. its also not for everybody. i ruptured 2 discs in my back and had a disc protrusion my senior year. i hurt it in the first quarter but i finished the game. i was in more pain than i ever thought possible but i loved the game and cared about my friends too much. i had to miss homecoming and senior night of my senior year!!! they told me ill never play again but i begged a doctor to release me for the playoffs which we had no chance of winning(the team we played one state that year as well as the next year). i cared about football so much getting hurt was not a concern. it was having to watch my best friends get their *** kicked when they needed me that bothered me. i lost every scholarship i had and 2 years later i still take pain killers everyday but if i could go back and play even if i had to go through that pain again i would go back. u have 3 years to play football, if u have fun doing it and u know the team needs u than getting hurt shouldnt be an issue. i know some people arent built that way but im telling u, the pain is worth it. do what u think is right though. good luck

  3. Seriously, don't risk it this season.  Take this year off to re-coop.  You will do fine next season.  Work out, work out, and work out some more.  You will do great.    

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