
I need some good ideas to get my StepSon active and off the Video Games!?

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My hubby and I just got his son in July, he normally lives with his mother in another state but because she wanted to go back to school we get to keep him until January! We're so excited to have him here but now we can't get him to DO anything. All he wants to do is watch TV or play Video Games. The bummer thing is, we don't exactly have a Kid Friendly yard for him to play in, plus we live in the desert and most of the time it's ridiculously hot outside. We've done the sprinkler thing but other than that he won't go outside. We've done the park but he just sits in the shade and doesn't want to move even though his dad and I continue to play to try to tempt him. He's in good shape but we're afraid he won't be for long if this keeps up. I used to set up obstacle courses in our old house but we just moved and still have boxes and a lot of stuff in the way that could be dangerous. (we currently don't have a garage) I want to be able to have something else for him to do. Any ideas!? Please!




  1. Get him signed up in some sort of club or activity that involves other kids his age.  He will make friends and hopefully start wanting to do more.

  2. To be honest, just don't worry about it. I'm assuming he's school aged. This is his summer then. He deserves a vacation, and if he wants to spend that vacation in front of the tv/video games, let him! He needs this break to recharge. Besides, video games have so many redeeming qualities about them. It depends on what he's playing, of course, but he's likely improving his reading and math skills, logic, problem solving, and there's a good chance he's getting caught up in a story that works his imagination. Same with tv - he's not watching just to sit and watch, he's getting involved with characters and plot, which is good for the imagination and empathy for people.

    If he's in good shape, there's really nothing to worry about. Make sure he's eating healthy. Maybe ask him if there's any sports he'd like to learn? If he joins a team, it's a social thing then and he may be more motivated.

    Mostly though, it seems like he's being a normal kid. He'll be fine! It's good that he relaxes and enjoys himself. And too much emphasis on being Healthy and Working Out could give him body insecurities which he does not need in his life.

    Good luck!

  3. how old is he ???? make him join tennis /skating or swiming.

  4. Have your husband remove necessary parts to the t.v. if there's just one, or the game itself. Then say awww I guess it's not working and suggest another activity. But it might be okay for him to just relax a while. If he's not overweight he probably listens to his body enough to know when he needs to relax and when he needs activity.

  5. get a wii he can play games and be active :  )

  6. He's probably bored because he doesn't have anybody his age to play with.  It's not much fun to play outside and be active by yourself.

    Look into some clubs or sports or other activities in the area that he could participate in.  Or if you have friends/neighbors with kids his age, introduce them.

  7. if there are no video games in the home, he won't be able to play them.  get outside and join him in activity.

  8. clubs




    ASK him what incentive would work. toy of his choice?

    ban tv and tv based games consoles except 2 week days?

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