
I need some good insults....?

by  |  earlier

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He's called me a iritisticle prick, and i've called him an immature, mean, show off sixth grade loser w/ a very perverted mind and mental issues. I'm out of insults, and I dont want to keep repeating insults like he does.

and dont tell me "just ignore him bla bla bla"




  1. how about you punch him every time he does that.

    im in the 8th grade and have a pervert following me around.

    trust me its annoying.

    so if he bothers you then just punch him and walk away.

    he should get the idea.

  2. Are you at least 13 years old?

    If not, you aren't supposed to be here and you don't sound like any 13 year old I have ever met.

  3. Don't go away mad, just go away

    Go play in traffic and make sure to get hit

    You're so ugly, you had to tie a pork chop around your neck just so your dog would play with you.

    My dog's shaved butt walking backwards looks better than your face

    Porch lights on, but no one's home

    He's a few sandwhiches shy of having a full picknic basket

    He's not playing with a full deck

    And.... your point is what? stay calm ...

    Sometimes just laughing and going with it will tick them off more. Like, You know, you're absolutely right thanks for pointing that out what are you going to do to fix your problem.

    Problem child...

    Whatever... put your hands over your ears and say blah, blah, blah, did you say something important b/c I didn't hear a thing.

  4. WTF?! What the h**l does "iritisticle prick?" mean?

    I don't know. If I were you I'd just be like

    "excuse me loser, but why don't u stop using words u don't even know. And obviously you must like this "iristicle prick" since you can't seem to go one day without talking to me, freak"

    lol yes, i'm not big on maturity.

  5. tell hes going to get tongue fungus for giving to many blow jobs at the corner

  6. lol call him an inconsiderate fool who doesnt no anything, your such a dote go f your mom because your brother is getting tired of it....he says its just like doing a soggy and by the way my friend did your mom and it was suckish cuz he wanted a child and she already went threw menopause.....ha thats it

    e-mail me back IF this works lol im a pro

  7. your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries

  8. he sounds like a butt head. well, I'm not really encouraging that you insult him..... you just need a better comeback! you could say something like, "You know what? You make me feel really special, because you like me so much you actually have to insult me because you can't think of anything productive to say!" then like, mess with his hair to make him feel extra childish. lol. just do what you can to embarrass him so he'll shut up!

    Hope I helped! :D ♥

  9. yo mamma

  10. tell him he smells like pee. say hes bipolar like his mom.  

  11. Quit with the insults before you two end up fighting.

  12. your not half the man your mother is!!

  13. "You are depriving some village of an idiot"

  14. "You're mother smells of elderberries. Now go away or I shall taunt you a second time!"

  15. Retarded huge *** nobody

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