
I need some help, hope someone can help me out?

by  |  earlier

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My mother is in the process of trying to get her papers together for her retirement. The problem is that she was adopted, and now she is finding it difficult to get her birth certificate. So anyone that has delt with this matter or knows how to find a way to retreive a birth certifcate after adoption please hit me up with an answer, any help will very much appreciated.




  1. My Mother had this same problem, she was a doorstep baby!

    She must file a petition with the court. I suppose a family atty will do. Tell her she is going to need letters from people who remember her adoption, good luck.

  2. Well you get your birth certificates from your capitol city That you were born in > like even though we live in Kansas my kids were born at a Missouri Hosp. so we had to send for it at Jefferson city, MO.< So if you know where she was born that helps and the hospitals have the numbers to birth records, just call the Hospital and ask for Human resources or Medical records and ask for the Number to get a State Birth Certificate. and if you who her parents was or adoption parents that will help, but Im sure it won't be that hard if she has a SS number. HOPE I HELPED.

  3. I would have her go to the adoption agency she was adopted from and ask them any questions she might need. They will be very helpful I'm sure.

  4. i was denied a passport at first, as an adoptee with no BC.  i was finally able to use my adoption certificate after a bunch-o-hassling.

  5. She should be able to go to the State capitol and request a copy of her birth certificate. This will not be her original birth certificate though, It will be the amended one.

  6. I'm sorry I really dont know I wish i could have helped

  7. Well, the only real way that I can think of is going to your local Municipal Building. If you go there you should be able to find out something, or they can atleast help you out further than me. Just make sure that they didnt change her name or anything or it can be difficult. They might not be able to help you if her name was changed. However if it was changed and the birthcertificate cannot be found, then she can still be able to retire, if you present your situation to them, im sure they can understand. Hope this help ya =D

  8. Get your phone book, look under Health Department, and you should be able to find a number for the Bureau of Live Statistics. They should be able to help her.

  9. There should be a copy of her birth certificate re-issued in her adoptive parents name.  For instance, it will show the parents who adopted her as her natural parents, and will show her birthday as the one known, or closest to when it could be estimated.

    Remember, it will be filed under her maiden name.  If she's getting ready for retirement, it might be difficult, as adoption records weren't done as legally as they are now.  Sometimes, the bmom would just hand over her child to a married couple.  That's rare, but it happens.  If she can find a copy of the adoption decree, it should have more information.  Also, make sure she applies for the certificate in the state that she was adopted from, not necessarily the one she was living in.  Good luck.

  10. Upon adoption, she should have been issued an amended certificate showing her adoptive parents as her parents.  If she wants her amended birth certificate, it should be the same process everyone goes through.  Send some government office ten bucks (or whatever) and tell them the required information.  (That's what I've done in the past to get my amended certificate.)

    If she wants her original birth certificate, that's a bit more complicated.  If she lives in one of 44 states, she can't get it.  Maybe she can jump through some hoops (in Ohio, I had to get my first mother to fill out a form giving them permission to release the information, then I have to petition the court and pay 7 times what the average person has to pay in order to get my records).  But barring that sort of process, the simple answer is that she can't get her original birth certificate.

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