
I need some help about modeling;?

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What does it take to be a teenage model?




  1. There really is no such thing as a "teen model."  Either you are a child model, or a model (most fashion models are teens, at least when they start).  To be a model you need to be at least 5' 10".  If you are not that height, sorry, you can forget it.  If you are that height, and have a model's build and a reasonably attractive face, all you need to do is spend time in New York, LA or Miami, and they will find you.   Even in big cities, beautiful , 5' 11" girls in high heels instantly attract attention.  Everyone in those cities is either in the business or knows someone who is, and they are always looking for new talent.  Virtually every working fashion model got their start this way.

  2. Hi!!!!!!!!!

    i m not sure what it takes but, i know L.L. Bean takes models and Girls Life magazine. if u go to u can get more info!!!!

    hope thiss helps!!!

  3. I guess you just need to be very confident with yourself and make sure your more outgoing because the judges seem to like you more when your outgoing.  Make sure you dont tell yourself that your fat, that just brings you down.

  4. Why don't you do something that actually takes EFFORT, and would help people? Rather than make themselves anorexic.

    ** The amount of people giving me a bad rating is a bit ridiculous. Who needs more models? It must be really difficult to be photographed =D

  5. easy just look good and walk  

  6. You've got to have a whole h**l of a lot of self esteem for one thing because they're going to tear you to shreds. You can't care what anybody thinks of you and even through the toughest of situations, keep your head high!

    And for appearance wise, taller is always better when it comes to modeling. You should be the right weight and eating HEALTHY. Look into different agencies on the internet like and such.

    It takes work to get into the business but if you're good and with enough luck, you'll wind up with a job.

    Best wishes![;

  7. Okay hon. Contrary to what people say, you don't have to be the "standard" definition of "beautiful" to model. When I look at Ralph Lauren and Lacoste girls they're not generally what I consider pretty. Usually it's something about their face, eyes, bone structure, elegant collarbone, etc. To be blunt, you can't be some random big-chested prostitute to model.

    To be an aspiring teenage model, you got to have the guts. To gotta to get the confidence. Confidence is mandatory in all situations. What I mean by this is that you shouldn't have self esteem just to have future hopes to model, but it's for your life. When an agency takes the time to approach YOU, that means they notice you. So keep your head high, walk like an alpha, and strut that stuff. Note: This does not give you permission to be arrogant or look down upon others. It simply shows you believe in yourself and you know what you're worth.

    My advice to you is simply live life. If you're happy, and you show it, you have high chances. If you're confident, even when you do have a mole on your cheek, or you know that you have a big, tall build, then you have high chances. Try to be the best person you can be, and wait for the best.

  8. No, but i would like to know myself.

  9. You should find some agency's that'll take you. :D Try big citys!  

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