
I need some help about twins?????

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I got twins boy and they are one week old and I want to ask if anyone know if I can get any support from government to look after them because I need to work and my miss can't do with both of them is there any where to I can get support from them to help my miss???

And any other support if you know for twins plz financially as well???




  1. I dont know where you are from, but there are churches that will help you. Many church goers I am sure would love to volunteer. Also, are there like food stamps, wic? I would try the church route if you really need a hand. Good luck

  2. you have a wife and two hard can this be? i raised three kids on my own.

  3. social service wic church they should all be able to give you referrals if they dont offer the service themselves

  4. Many states offer free or reduced childcare based on how many people are in the household.  Also, WIC offers assistance with formula and nutritional needs for nursing mothers.  Your local health department and department of human services should be able to help you.  Good luck, and congratulations!

  5. Are you in the UK?

    If so then im afraid the government wont give you any extra support financially or whatever just because you have twins. What about people who have more than one child?

    Why cant you work and your 'miss' look after them? yes it will be difficult but parenting is difficult for every parent.

    Sorry dont mean to sound b1tchy but im just telling you how it is.

  6. not in the UK sorry  my mate just had twin boys to ( congrats by the way) she also has a 2 year old son  the government in australia helps with child care cost only cost her 18A$ to put all three boys in child care for 2 days a week her hubby works away  so she has to cope Im sure once your wife gets the hang of things she will manage it does get easier

  7. You're right, you do need to work to pay for them, but instead of saying your partner can't look after 2 of them you need to be encouraging so that she feels she can. Plenty of people have to, so I'm sure she will cope just fine. They are only a week old so she is not used to looking after them yet, but I'm sure she will soon get into a routine. They may cry, but honestly the first few months with twins are easier than when they get mobile and can both run off in different directions! At least at the minute they stay put! As for financial support, I don't think there's much but in the UK there is a twins club (or used to be when my sister had twins 14 years ago) that being a member of gives you discount on certain products. For example, when buying the first pair of shoes for her twins at Clarks my sister was able to get the second pair half price. I can't remember what the club is called though, sorry. Your health visitor will probably know though. Good luck to you both with your new family.

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