
I need some help and not sure what to do HELP?

by  |  earlier

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Ok last night I finally told my boyfriend (of 2 years) that I'm pregnant. Well when I told him he was so mad and said you know what you have to do about this right. Then this morning when I got up he was saying what are you gonna do about the baby your not trying to have it are you. He also said he can't afford the daughter he already has. When I came home for lunch he kinda acted like nothing. I really don't know what to think.

We never wanted to have any kids I have 1 son and he has 1 daughter.

So what do you guys think? I feel like I'm losing my mind.





  1. Well i think that you need a new boyfriend but thats just me... I would keep the baby but if u dont know what to do there is open adoption where u can have some one adopt the baby and u will be able to see it when ever... There is also people who will pay to take the baby off of ur hands people that cant have children so idk its totally up to u...  

  2. Do what you feel is best for you not because any1 made you or forced you. Good luck stay strong  

  3.      Wow!  He seems so nice and supportive!  I would suggest you take a good amount of time to think about what YOU want.  It seems your boyfriend would like to make this decision for you.  That's not his place, since what you decide together will effect your life one way or another forever.  You need to take stock of what you want in life.  Do you want a relationship with this man?   Even if he pushes you to make a choice you aren't comfortable with?

        Really take time to think about this.  Hold off on discussing it with him until you've thought about what you want for yourself in life.  I wish you luck.

  4. If you are not comfortable with an abortion, don't get one just because he wants you to. It's your decision, not his. If you really can't afford it you can give the child up for adoption, but you should make it clear to him that you consider the choices to be adoption or keeping the child.

  5. I had a bf tell me the same thing and I listened to him. I know now that it was the right decision for me, but it was tough. I think you REALLY need to think it through... do what is right for you.  

  6. Okay, first you need to calm down.  At the heat of the moment, a "surprised" man can say virtually anything.  Whether he can afford additional children or not, it doesn't negate the fact that you are currently pregnant.  

    You need to think about whether you want this baby, and if you do, are you ready to let go of this relationship.  It is possible that if you insist on carrying the baby to term, your relationship may get strained or disintegrate.  

    Until a final decision is made, keep up with your doctor's visits and prenatal vitamins.  Keep your stress to a minimum.  You don't want to do something rash that you will end up regretting later on.

  7. Adoption is always a great route to take.  If you and BF don't want any more kids, there are tons of couples out there who would be over joyed to take in your little one.

  8. I think he is a loser and leave him.  All you have him for is s*x anyways. Obviously...

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