
I need some help answering these questions...?

by Guest56393  |  earlier

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I am volunteering at this place and have to fill out some essay questions.

I have NO idea what to put

they expect me to fill up half a page for each.

i only have about 2 lines for each.

just tell me how you would answer these.

1. please tell us what interests you most about volunteering at this zoo.

2. What do you hope to gain from this experience?




  1. 1-there is lots to learn from the animals, to find out what kind of food they eat, the way they behave, the amount of food you put out everyday, your training methods .

    2- I'm hoping to gain lots from this experience, be a more compassionate person, how to care for an animal ;if i ever decide to get one. , they totally relay on humans to function to be fed and  watered daily, the quantity  of food the consumed daily ,what kind of food they eat,

    what kind of patient does it take to deal with an animal.the way they behave ;are they friendly or are the upset because they are luck up.

  2. You are going to have to master the art of filling space.  You will see questions like this for the rest of your life.

  3. #1- i'm really excited to help another creature. it is a great thought of mine to know that i will be affecting many people through volunteering,also that i will have an activity to do that i will enjoy.

    #2-i hope to gain more of a sense of responcibility ,maturity, and nuture, that will hopefully help me in the upcoming events of my future.

  4. Volunteering is the same everywhere...

    You should say how good you are with animals, and how important is it to pay attention to them as they cant complaint if they are in pain, or hungry or need any help.

    You should also speak about how animals feel when they are center of attention, knowing that many type  of animals prefer privacy. You should be interested in making sure that animals are comfortable and people are enjoying their time.

    One last thing you should take about, safety, especially in a place that has kids and animals who are not in a position to make the right decision. :P

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