
I need some help i don't know what to do!?

by  |  earlier

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ok so i was supposed to start on the 15th and have not yet. my husband told me to take a test and it was neg. i still have not started how long should i wait to take another test?




  1. Now, at 10 days late you should be able to get a very accurate reading.  Although a blood test would be your best method.  Good Luck.

  2. Call the doctor.  You may need to get a blood test done.

  3. You could take another test now. Or, see your doctor and have a blood test done.

    If you did the test on the 15th, it's possible that it wasn't accurate enough to pick up the hcg... might be worth a try again.

    Depending on how regular (or not) your cycle is, you might just be running late. A couple of months ago I went through 3 home tests (all neg) and a blood test because I was 3.5 weeks late (by the blood test), and really felt pregnant (turns out, it was just colossal PMS... ouch... :) )

    10 days late should be enough to get an accurate result. Good luck!

  4. Did you take the test in the morning? If not, go ahead and take one again in a day or two with your first urine. If you are still showing negative and have no period, call your dr. Some women don't show in HPTs. Good luck

  5. apwa   !

    "Am I pregnant?" is probably the most common health question women ask. The signs and symptoms of early pregnancy are easy to recognize, particularly if this is not your first pregnancy. No matter how many times you get pregnant, the signs and symptoms of early pregnancy are the same. However, this does not mean that you will experience every pregnancy the same way. For example, during one pregnancy, you may experience incredible breast pain or nausea and vomiting, while during another pregnancy you might not experience these symptoms at all. The simple fact is that each pregnancy, just like each newborn, is different.

    So first watch for the symptoms and then take the pregnancy test

  6. I'd say you can take one now and it should be accurate.

  7. Take another one now. If you are usually regular and then you've gone this long past your period due date and are not pregnant then you should see your doctor.

  8. For me I went to my doctor and had a urine test done there and they read the results to me because I get nervous with those things I hate them.  

  9. Usually if you miss your period due to pregnancy the hormone levels would be high enough to show on a hpt.  Go to the doctor and have a blood test done. They are much more accurate, takes a couple days for the results.

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