
I need some help in this situation!! please i need your help and fast!?

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We all no there is one mean girl but have u ever heard of some1 who is mean but thinks there not well that's what i am dealing with if u have or not but please i need help! ok this is the story the person is my cousin she the mean person ok so i went on vacation with her than she calls me some names after that i call her mean she cry's and says she is not mean! so than she goes away with friends. They start 2 im me! 2day she is comes back my other cousin her sister is going 2 sleepover my house and she was not invited so she is all mad at me! but now she was imming me and said don't talk 2 my friends there mine not yours but its like they immed me first! than she calls me mean and if u know me u would know i am not a mean person! so i find out on this trip she was telling them i was annoying and to block me! why wast your time with me! it made me very upset =(! so i need some anyone help! Please!




  1. Well, fist of all, if these friends turn their backs based on what she says, they too are petty. Move on.

    As far as your cousin is concerned. I believe there are people (sadly) who thrive off of making others look stupid. they put you down to build themselves up. Silly. All that really does is hurt them.

    Do not sink to her level! She's piling up some bad karma. Be sure that if it all blows up, you know without a doubt that you did nothing wrong. Just be a good positive person. Maybe one day she will open her eyes and see how mature you are, and want to be more like you.

    But, don't hold your breathe!

  2. Dont let your mean cousin effect what you do or who you hang out with. Maybe sit down and have a heart to heart talk with her, and that your both sorry for acting so immature.

  3. lol first of all your cousin family family always fight but the reason i think she so called dubbing her self as non mean. Is because she might she her self a good person.  so as soon you did that mean thing back she says your mean because she got u to that say it back

    what i think u should do is apologize OK i understand u don't want to but still you should show her that your the bigger person and better person by not falling for her idiotic games. If she still act like a jerk after this take a break from her or something just relax your self in a her free area  

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