
I need some help interpreting some dreams?

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One night, I had I dream that I was driving along the San Gabriel river in L.A. with my best friend and we were in a screaming match. I was paralyzed but I was screaming bloody murder about something. Finally he got sick of my and threw me out of the car. My head smashed on the rocks that slope downwards, and I finally drowned and floated down the river. I couldn't feel anything the whole time.

The next night, I had a dream I lived in some upscale neighborhood in L.A. and was in some charming Japanese house where they served me with tea because they felt sorry for me. I left with the tea and was walking along this winding road on the side of a hill overlooking the ocean, when I began to see people walking up along the road toward the house. As they passed me, they asked "Didn't you feel it? Didn't you?" and I had no idea what they were talking about. Soon I saw a group of my friends talking about "the shaking! the shaking!" and I figured it was an earthquake. I was getting depressed by the time I got to the bottom of the hill, and at the bottom I found I was in the canyon that I lived in when I was young. A monk came up to me, looked me in the eye, and said, "Everybody felt it but you."

I woke up to find my dad by my bedside. My cat had just died 5 minutes before. He was the love of my life and I never saw it coming. It was tragic and I don't think I had ever felt a stab of pain like that in my life. Since that happened I think I feel a little bit better, but I still wonder about what those dreams could have meant. Do I not feel things anymore and needed something tremendous to shake that?




  1. Wow, you are a case!

    But a good one!

    First off, I'm sorry for you in the loss of your cat.

    Now let's interpret some dreams.

    The 1st Dream~

    Main Points-

    Angry, yelling, rage, unable to do anything, unable to feel.

    Anger- This symbolizes some trouble within yourself, a failure to communicate true feelings, desires (oops, pressed submit accidentally...)

    Yelling- Once again, suppressed feelings, a feeling that your voice has no power in waking life.

    Rage/ Being harmed- This signifies that with this person or someone they could represent you have some unresolved, wounded feelings.

    Paralyzed-  In waking life you feel caught,or trapped in your actions,feelings, and decisions.

    Unable to feel- This tells me that in waking life you feel as though you don't sufficiently express your true feelings, you are not sensitive.

    The Second Dream

    Main Points

    Foreign customs, Lavishness, Pity, Old memories, Questioning, Shaking, monks/religious people

    The Japanese people and the Tea-  The foreign people typically represent a change in yourself whilst tea represents a feeling of contentment in your life and decisions.

    Lavishness- This symbolizes that you feel like you will become succesful due to your perseverance and strive.

    Pity- This signals that in waking life you feel like you have been cheated.

    Old Homes/Memories- This symbolizes that you feel you have to go back to your roots, that in order to be succesful you need to become more like you once were.

    Questioning- This suggests that in waking life you have things that need to be shared, or revealed

    Shaking- Typically symbolic of fear but in your case it seems like the second symbol of needing to shake out your old habits.

    Monks- This symbolizes a deep need to become more enlightened.


    Judging by your two dreams you seem to have changed very much in a short period. In the first you were repressed and unhappy, while in the second you had changed quite a lot but still had the twinge of unhappiness. Perhaps your dream was prophetic and served a deeper meaning, as in the first dream you did seem like you need to be shaken into emotion with something traumatic but by the second dream you seemed to have changed a lot in some way.

    The rest is up to your interpretation.

  2. your cat was peein on ur face in ur sleep! you were cheesin!!!!

    lol just kidding.

    Your dream means that you fear numbness and fear that someday your heart will grow so cold and hard that you wont feel anything anymore. It was a foreshadowing of your potential impending doom!

    Please learn from your dream. Don't let yourself fall into a pit of numbness to the world. Your insecurities are normal, everyone has them. Whenever you think you have done something abnormal, think again because someone else has done it already.

    I say this because maybe someday if you add lots of murder and killing and nightmarish ideals to your dreams, you will have what i get. every night.

    just try not to stress so much u kno?

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