
I need some help...its for a surprise?

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My 18 year old brother is coming home from Marine Bootcamp August 16th through the 26th!!! Well each member of the family is to decide to pick a day and spend it with him after we have our BBQ and family get together at a waterpark....I have 4 brothers including him. I'm the only girl. What I wanted to do was take him to a Cubs game when he gets back because well we are from Chicago and thats his favorite team...not mine...Im a white sox fan....but I will torture myself just so he can enjoy his time home. My question is does anyone know any good websites besides stubhub and ebay and ticketmaster to find tickets? They either dont have 4 tickets or they are ridiculouly over priced! Thanks




  1. I would suggest buying them from scalpers then

  2. I commend you on your effort and the generosity in spirit to take him to see your rivals.

    I can't help you on the ticket source, but I thought some good words were in order.

  3. Ah, you poor girl, having to endure a cub game. Yuck! (I am a fellow White Sox fan) It is going to be hard finding decent priced tkts for a cub game due to the fact that there are way too many idiots who go to the games. Your best bet is to go to Murphy's or one of the other local watering holes the day of the game. Wait until the game starts and then buy some tkts from a scalper. And for the record I nominate you for Sister of the year for doing this!

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