
I need some help my fiancee and I are trying to adopt his cousin but we need advice on the adoption process?

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We want to adopt his cousin's daughter but we don't know where to start. We talked to her social workers but they kept saying that they are not going to recommend us for adoption but by law they have to consider us because we are family. Is there anyother information I should know about? And also if my fiancee had a juvenile record would that harm us?




  1. Im assuming you cousen is in foster care?If the social work are not recomending you they have to have good reason or a better match in the family for her.You do have a right to e in court and talk to the judge and ask to adopt her.You must have a stable home with a room for her along with a bed and dressor and closet for her.You must have income that is verafiyable.You must not have an arrest record or and outher interactions with the devishion of childrens services.You may and I recomend you hire an attorny to represent you in court.Demistac violance of any kind is a straght NO placement ,no way arrround it.let me know how it gos and good luck

  2. It is very hard to adopt un-married but not impossible, in your case I would just have the cousin sign parental rights over to you guys..can be done through an attorney for very little money, no home visits and no background checks

  3. The juvenile record shouldn't be an issue.  They typically get sealed when you turn 18.  

    Best thing I can suggest is for you to get married.  Did they give a reason as to why they won't consider you?  You should hire a lawyer.

  4. They will consider you in the same way they will consider any adoptive parents.  But likely, they have her in a Foster-adopt home, which means that the family who is caring for her is wanting to adopt her if her birthparents rights are terminated.  That is more and more what the state does.  When they remove a child from a home. they look to an immediate family member who is appropriate.  If none are around or found or available, they place with a foster adopt family in their agency especially if the child is young.

    You might do well to get a private adoption homestudy, then take it to the next court hearing.  It will cost $400-900 and you can call any local adoption agency to do it for you.  If you are approved (you may not be) then the courts may look at your more seriously.  Or not.  Every situation is different.  And the state is not obligated to consider you, especially as they may not consider you a stable family unit, since you are not married for at least three years, and not even married, and have the juvy issue.  Or they may!

  5. Has your cousin-in-law signed away her rights yet?  If not, you, your fiance, and the cousin should go see a private adoption attorney together.  If she wants you to be the adoptive parents, you will be the adoptive parents.  However, you do need to pass a home study to make sure your house is a safe environment for children.

    Juvenile records are typically closed so I don't think so, but it works on a case-by-case basis so you should ask the attorney about that.

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