
I need some help on what kind of Diet to go on?

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Im Engaged to get Married july 11th 2009. I just had a son a year ago and havent been able to loose much of the baby weight. Top things off I have thyroid disorder. I work out in the morning and night and run for a hour at night. What Can i do to loose weight and get back down to the size i was before i Had my son before I get married!?




  1. Exercise is great for your health, but eating less is the most efficient way to lose weight.  Just think of how many calories you get each day from your drinks (soda, coffee, alcohol, even juice is loaded with calories) could add up to hundreds of calories just from drinks alone (one can of coke has 140 calories), and how long would it take you to work off that many calories?  Probably a few hours, yet it only takes a few minutes to drink a soda.  The average person needs 2000 calories per day to maintain their weight, and it takes 3500 calories to make a pound of fat, so if you decrease your caloric intake by 500 calories per day (assuming you are currently maintaining your weight, not gaining), you will lose about one pound per week.  That might not seem like much, but you have almost a year to lose the weight, and if you lose the weight slowly you're going to be more likely to reach your goal and more likely to maintain it.  Just cut out a few snacks or drinks each day, or make your meals smaller.  Also, remember to look at the nutrition labels because sometimes the amount of calories can surprise you.

  2. are you on medication for your thyroid?

    if you aren't then all of the dieting and exercise in the world is not going to help because your hormones are working against you.

    if you are on meds for the thyroid then have your doctor schedule an appointment for you with a nutritionist.  With a medical condition it is not a good idea to go on a "diet".  You will have better and permanent success with a permanent lifestyle change in the food department.

  3. Strength training and cardio, 5-6 days a week.  I did a very high protein diet and LOST 180 pounds in 15 months.  I have also maintained this loss for 2 1/2 years now.  Cut out sugar, soda, junk food and carbs.  Most of the time I drink a protein shake for breakfast, have a salad with meat and cheese for lunch, and meat and cheese for dinner.  Gradually add back some carbs once you have lost 75% of excess weight.  Trust me, it works!

  4. Join a gym if you can afford it.  Even a YMCA or something, they will be able to give you financial aid for your membership and give you a cheaper rate if they find you are in need of it.  Once there talk to their employees about what kind of program you should get on.  They will help you with it.  Just keep track of everything you do, I find this keeps me from slacking when I see how much I CAN do, I want to try and improve on that.  Get some kick a ss music on your ipod and just go enjoy yourself.  Other than that, eating right is good too.

    I lost 10 lbs in a month by working out, eating 5 smaller meals instead of 3 large ones (even a  yogurt would count as a small meal).  Try eating every 2 or 3 hours in this manner.  Also if you eat breakfast at 7 am try to stop eating after 7pm.  give your body a 12 hour fast.  Drink TONS of water, And of course, the stuff you eat should be healthy, no fast food missy. lol.  If you do decide you are just craving that burger so badly then make healthier choices.  grab the burger, don't get the fries and drink also.  Get a jr. burger or a kids burger instead of the triple patty. lol.  If you want pizza, go get it from a place that will give you whole wheat crust, don't get the extra cheese, try loading it with veggies.  Try eating no sooner than 2 hours before working out and have a HIGH PROTEIN snack within a half hour of  your work out being finished.

    Remember 1900-2000 calories per day to maintain weight, 1500-1700 to lose weight.  Keep a log of everything you eat, pay attention to the fat content (no more than 20 g a day), calories, carbs, protein (make sure you get your protein in.  Remember to also try and keep track of calories burned while working out. there are plenty of site for this just google "excersize calorie counter"

    By doing all of this I have dropped 30 lbs in 6 months (remember after the first bit goes, you do slow down and 2 - 3 lbs a week is the healthy way to lose it)

    Good luck hun!!! you have plenty of time

    EDIT: btw I also have a thyroid problem. I know your pain. If nothing seems to be working talk to your doctor. or go see a nutritionalist.

    EDIT#2: I saw someone recommend a wieght loss drug.  While no one should take any drugs without their doctors permission, you have a thyroid problem which may interact with some meds badly.  Ask the doctor first.  

    I forgot I had used apple cider vinegar pills.  They are just capluts full of vinegar (easier to get down than a spoonful of the stuff).  They are great for boosting your motabolism.  No medicinal ingrediants at all.  Just take them 2 or 3 times a day with a meal. OR you could just go buy some apple cider vinger and swig a spoonful from the bottle.

  5. TALK TO YOUR DOCTOR! They can help you develop a diet plan (or they can refer you to someone who can, probably covered with your insurance). Especially since you have a disorder that may make it difficult to lose weight, you should talk to a professional. Do not do anything crazy. If you are on medications, don't start any supplements. They can be dangerous without anything to interact with, but you could be in real trouble if your meds do interact with anything.

    I am sure you will look beautiful on your wedding day no matter what.

  6. If you are running (or jogging) for an hour a day... watch those knees. I say that with love b/c I run that much too on a treadmill, but I will take a day or two off (the fiance say I am obsessed)... the timer on top doesn't work so I watch a clock.. on the old treadmill that worked, an hour jogging would burn 600 calories. So if you aren't losing try cutting calories or focus on some weight training. Muscle burns fat.

    HOWEVER... if you are still breastfeeding, losing will lessen your milk supply, but s/he should be eating baby food some by now anyhow.

    do what's best for baby first.

    I posted a question earlier this week "when did it become an unspoken rule that brides must lose weight" interesting responses... you can add me or search for it to read it.  

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