
I need some help or should i see my doctor about it???

by  |  earlier

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So lately i have been having a pain in my chest on my right side for like 2 or 3 minutes and then sometimes i will get a pain on my left side..does anyone know what it is




  1. chest pain should always be investigated.If it feels like an elephant sitting on your chest,suspect angina,go have an Ecg ,electrical heart reading.Could be muscle strain-stitch,could be pleurisy that is painful respiratory condition.You don't say if it is excercise induced pain.See your Dr,as i said don't ignore chest pains.

  2. It could be indigestion. But you may want to see a doctor to make sure. =)

  3. You need to give more details to this.

    - Does the pain change when you take a deep breathe?

    - Is the pain localized or does it radiate?

    - what were you doing prior to the onset of pain?

    - does the pain increase if you push the area?

    - do you have a family cardiac history?

    - any unusual increase in exercise recently?

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