
I need some help please i don;t know what to do ?

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ok so here it is i have been marred for 3 years and we have a prenuptial agreement so ok here it is i am unemployed right now at no flat of my own and my husband say i have 30 days to get a job or he is going to leave me and it is very hard




  1. How long have you been unemployed? Why is your husband so hostile? Sounds like there is more to this story.

  2. Virginia, keeping things afloat financially is important, yes.  But from your question you husband sounds like a pretty cold dude.  Unless you're making absolutely no effort I can't see a man threatening to leave his family.  Even then I would ask "wheres the love?" in him.  

    First.  Continue to do all you can to be employed.

    Second.  If it doesn't work out and he actually leaves, believe me, it wasn't love in the first place.

    Third.  Press on with life.  There is more good stuff ahead of you.

  3. He doesnt sound like a very nice man does he? If you want to stay with this guy, get a job (im sure you could get a cleaning job, telesales etc?) OR leave him, go to the council, tell them you are homeless and they will get you a place somewhere. Go on a course, learn some new skills and show this husband of yours that your trying.

  4. those agreements arent always totally legal you can contest them if you leave him. why are you not at work if you dont have children to look after get off your backside and find one. if you do it is unrealistic of him to exoect you to go to work and if he is prepared to leave you over it it doesnt sound like a very good relationship anyway so just leave him or find a job its simple really

  5. the only option u have is to get a job.

  6. Well, if that was me, I would get a job and leave him anyway.  As a husband, he should want to support you until you found one or support you period. I understand this day and time it takes 2 to work full time jobs to pay bills but a husband has no right to put such demands on his spouse.  He is suppose to love her as he loves himself.  Would he put such a demand on himself?  I seriously doubt it. This tells me that no he does not love you as much as he loves himself.  It is "old SELF" that he is looking out for.  So I would make it very convienent for him and get a job and find myself a place to live and move on with my life.  Then he would hafta live on one pay check just the same.  Good luck in your decision.

  7. Why would you have a flat of your own if you are married. You need to get a job. It's not a hard question.

    Get a job.  

  8. Were you working when you two got together? I think if you have been trying to get a job, he is being totally unreasonable. Any man that would divorce you because you cant find a job doesnt care about you- he shouldnt be able to live without you- not be able to live without you if your unemployeed. Unless there are other underlying factors here like drugs or something that is preventing you from getting a job.

  9. He sounds very mercenary. A prenuptual to marry a woman with a 4 year old  autistic son . It took him four years to figure out that he wanted to marry you, after you had his child .

    What was the reason for deciding to move into a house that you couldn't afford to live in on a single wage ? Didn't he ever figure out that if he was going to marry a you when you had an autistic child that one of you might be required to stay at home to care for the child if it was needed ? Just because you might not be able to pay the bills he wants to get a divorce? I take it that the finances must be looking fairly bad at the moment after two months without the additional wage to help keep things going and that there may be other factors causing your husband to ask for a divorce , but to throw down an ultimatum is a cruddy thing to do . 30 days ? You might be able to get a low-wage job quick or maybe better depending on how qualified you are . Honestly, I think it is not realistic in the first place to have moved in a place that reqired two wages to pay the bills when you have an austitic kid and your husband should have relized this .

    I think it's time you moved to a palce you can afford to live in and your husband to start to live up to his responsiblities, because he knew what they were when he married you four years ago prenup or no prenup . It's not like the kid appeared out of no where either.

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