This is hard to explain.
when i was thirteen i lost my virginity to one of my close boy mates, we were young and stupid and we didnt know what we were even doing. I would hardly call it 's*x' to be honest because i lasted nomore than a few seconds.. i told a few close friends about it and that was that. i have always regretted it.
Since then i have become friends with a girl who is close to the lad i lost it too. He never told her about me and him, and i did the same.
She has however become friends with one of the 'close friends i had at the time' who knows about what happened.
I have become increasingly paranoid she might let slip and then our secret will be out.
Thats not the only problem.
I am since with a new lad who doesnt know about me and the other guy. I never really thought it would ever come up again as a problem, but now theres a possibility it could im in trouble.
He hates the lad i lost it too due to many arguements and fights they used to have. Im worried if he finds out i lost it too him many years ago he will hate me too.
What do i do?
i cant tell him.
but i dont want him to find out another way either.
any ideas on how to break the news .
im stressed and i really would appriciate some help.
i do get myself into some bad situations.