
I need some help please??

by Guest59689  |  earlier

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I need some help in writing a letter of dissatisfaction to my son's school but don't know who to address it to or how to word it any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated/ Thanks




  1. Your letter is not going to accomplish a thing other than help to fill up the trash.  I suggest you contact the school's

    Superintendent with your problems regarding the teacher and principal at the school.  Letters have a way of getting "lost" Besides the Superintendent is the one who does the hiring and firing and setting of school policy.  Also start attending school board meetings as well as parent teacher meetings.  That is where you can voice your opinions.

  2. I couldn't suggest any wording without knowing the situation, but I would write to either the principal of the school or the school board.

    Also, depending on the situation, a phone call might be a better choice, but only if you are sure you can remain calm and discuss the situation nicely.

  3. what kind of dissatifaction, like lack of attention directed at your son, or just bad influences?

    Maybe you should just write a bissness letter to the school, talking about your dissatisfaction.

  4. I may be having this same issue soon!!!  If its a private school then I would address it to the principal.  If its public I would address it either to the principal of the school or the superintendant of schools.

    Just make sure that you have enough examples to back you up on the negative and maybe state something positive first.

    Good luck

  5. Why not got to the principal and talk to him/her?  If that doesn't work go to the superintendent.  Talking to someone directly is so much better than writing a letter.  Good luck.

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