
I need some help please with a high school guy??!!?

by  |  earlier

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so i was supposed to go on a second date with this guy but my mom canelled it for us. and he was really hurt. and every since then he has been acting kinda different. but we have talked since then it just hasnt been the same. and we both really like eachother but i dont want to lose him. he usually texts me or calls me everyday but he hasnt in two days. i just want to make sure everything is ok and that his feelings arent gone. i really like him and i dont know what i should do. how do i know if he still likes me? he said he really likes me and wants to make our relatinship work a few weeks ago but now im not sure. we go to different high schools so i dont see him everyday. but i got him something for his birthday. should i tell him that and that i want to see him? can a guy get over you in a few days or a week? any advice is helpful to me. thanks everybody who takes time to answer this question realy truly i need help! i will choose best answer! thanks! xoxo!




  1. just sit and talk to him and if that dosent work go and give him a kiss or somthing along that line or present and see his reaction if he walks away you know somthing is going on kk hop that helps

  2. hi :) firstly thanks for answering mine.

    secondly, if he is really hurt he is probably distancing himself so he doesn't get hurt again. The best thing that you can do is make an effort with him. Show him how you feel, ask him to meet up and give him his birthday present. Text him and be cute with him, If he really likes you then I doubt that he will just get over you in a few days, and if he is distancing himself then make him remember why he liked you in the first place!

  3. u just need 2 call him and tell him the truth about u'r feeling n what u feel about him....he maybe feel what u feel....Good Luck!!!(^_^)

  4. ya i'm sure he still likes you. I guess he just doesn't know what to do since ur mom canceled your date with him. Did you ask him if he wanted to do it another time since your mom made you stay home?

  5. just ask him if he still has feelings, and tell him that your mom cancelled the date. and that you still do like him. if hes over you already, he's a player i tell you.

    hope i helped :) (L)

    answer mine please?;...

  6. i think he still likes you but he might be over whelmed when your date was canceled and maybe he thought that is was you that cancelled not your mom  

  7. if he realy likes he won't get over you, you should ask him out and tell yall got to talk about what is going

  8. well

    sometimes people get busy

    and school just started too

    so maybe hes just busy

    and don't be afraid to call

    it's totally fine if you do

    and guys say they can get over someone in a few days

    but they really don't

    just go for it

    tell him how you feel

    and do it in person

    because over the phone is wayyyyyy tooo informal

  9. he still likes you maybe he thinks you cancelled the date try explaining to him about your mom and i am sure he will understand i hope this helps  

  10. He still likes you

    in fact i think the reason he's kind of "down in the dumps"

    is because he likes u so much that he wus a little hurt

    when he couldn't go on a second date with you

    in my opinion

  11. he still likes you, try talking to him first and see what happens

  12. That sucks your mom cancelled your date and it probaly hurt his feelings really bad.  A younger man myself once would be confused, angry, mad, and sad.  This is an extemly tough situation and I think you should try to get some one on one time and go for a romantic walk with him after a movie, putt putt golf, or whatever.  Then try to talk to him about how you feel.  If he doesn't accept your date and still avoids you might be time to consider other options until he is ready in order to avoid being hurt.

  13. One of the best things to do is to tell him that he can tell you what the problem is, no matter what and you want to help solve this problem good luck :)

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