
I need some help teaching my dog how to shake.?

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I have a 11 month old boxer/beagle mix. I have had him for about 2 months now and he is from the local pound. He is pretty good about listening and knows how to sit but i CAN NOT get him to shake. Any good suggestions? If you know how to get him to stop digging in the yard that info would be much appreciated as well.




  1. for shaking make him sit then pick a paw and start to teach from there (thats what worked for me)then to stop him from digging pull him out and keep with it and it should work , but truthfully I think its just a puppy phase.

    good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Shake- just keep working with him with little treats when he puts his paw in your hand. You may have to put it in yours a few times first but give him a little of the treat after you do it. put his paw in your hand, and say shake, and then shake his paw and give him the treat. do that several times and he will get the idea then tell him to do it without the treat, when he puts it there, then give him treat and lots of praise. he will get the notion soon.

    as far as his digging, beagles are ground dogs so that may take a lot longer to break him of it. when you see him doing it, get his attention to other toys. redirect him to his good toys and hopefully he will get the idea of not digging.

  3. Get your dog to sit then grab his paw and say "shake" continue this.  Give treats and praise him ALOT.  Act excited!  This is what I did with my dog.

    As for the digging, I have heard that putting red pepper flakes in the holes works and I have heard that putting their p**p in the holes works.  

    Good Luck!

  4. put paw in hand an shout shake.

    do it few times

    then hold a dog treat put your hand out and say shake

    if he does it

    give him treat

    if not hit his nose

  5. The only way I've ever needed to teach all my dog to shake was just, get a treat, Say gimme paw, grab paw, hold it for a second and give him the treat. Keep repeating it until he gets it. It alway worked for me and I've taught alot of dog to do it.

  6. To get him to shake you just have to keep trying and trying and eventually he'll shake. A good way is to use treats.

  7. Have treats around.  Get the dog sitting and sit with him facing him.  Say "shake" and shake his paw and treat him and tell him good boy.  Do this about 25 times.  Then give it a break.  About 6 hours later do the same thing.  Next day the same thing 3 times a day for about 20 times.  By the third day, he'll be doing it.  He'll probably do it before that but some dogs ,...ya know.  

    Digging in the yard is instinctive so that's tougher.  Get some Grannick's bitter apple spray and spray down the areas where he digs right before you let him out or spray while he's digging.  It might just work.  

  8. ~Get him to sit right in front of you

    ~Gently push up his head and pull up his paw at the same time wile saying paw, our shake with ever you prefer

    ~Eventually he will grasp the conscept that when you push his head up and saw paw to lift his leg up on his own

    ~and then after a while you should just be able to tell him paw and he should give it to you.

    Remember praise and treats!!

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