
I need some help with a German-English translation???

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Wort des Jahres

Der sprachliche Jahresrückblick »Wort des Jahres« wurde zum erstenmal 1972 veröffentlicht und wird seit 1978 im Sprachdienst, herausgegeben von der Gesellschaft für deutsche Sprache (Wiesbaden), regelmäßig publiziert. Ausgewählt werden Wörter und Ausdrücke, die die öffentliche Diskussion des betreffenden Jahres besonders bestimmt haben, die für wichtige Themen stehen oder sonst als charakteristisch erscheinen (»verbale Leitfossilien« eines Jahres). Es geht nicht um Worthäufigkeiten. Auch ist mit der Auswahl keine Wertung bzw. Empfehlung verbunden.

Vorab wird jeweils im Dezember von einer Fachjury die Auswahl der Spitzenwörter vorgenommen und der Presse vorgestellt. (Die Jury besteht aus dem Hauptvorstand der Gesellschaft für deutsche Sprache und den wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiterinnen/Mitarbeitern der GfdS.)

I translated the first sentence but I need help with the rest of the text. Can somebody help me? I appreciate your help.




  1. In 1972, the linguistic review "word of the year" was first published and is edited and regularly published since 1978 by Germany's international linguistic service, the "Gesellschaft für deutsche Sprache" (society for the German language, GdfS) located in Wiesbaden. They choose words and expressions which have been publicly debated to a special amount and which pick up important topics of that year or otherwise seem characteristic (the lingusitic "leading fossiles" of that special year). Word count doesn't matter. Also, the choice is not connected to apprectiation, disappretiation, or recommendment.

    A jury of experts is called in [in early; not in the original text] December to decide upon a preselection of words and inform the press. (The jury consists of the executive officers and scientific co-workers of the GdfS.)

  2. some of the translations are alright but there are some expressions that nobody uses and some don't make sense, if I were you I would not rely on those.

    it sounds like school english or...

  3. ah german german, took 5 years of it...even got a 3 on the ap test for german....sadly...i don't have the patience...

    you can try googling "babel fish" a good translator there is also

  4. Ouch, heavy stuff... I hope, my English is good enough for this one.

    Word of the year

    The linguistic flashback on the year "Word of the year" was published first in 1972 and is published regulary since 1978 in linguistic service [should I translate this one? Not sure], released by the society for german language (Wiesbaden). Words and expressions are chosen, that affected the public discussion of the regarding year in particular, stand for important topics or seem characteristic in another way ("verbal leading fossiles" of a year). It is not about word frequency. Also, the choice is not combined with a valuation or recommendation.

    In advance each time in december, the choosing of the top words is made and presented to the press. (The jury is constituted of the main board of the society for german language and its research assistants.)

    So far, with a little help by; I think, that's it.

    Greets from Germany

  5. Jerry & Alwin's translations look great! I Understood you still though!

  6. Forget about what Bernd said.

    Jerry's and Alwin's translations are very good. I would say Alwin's one is slightly better.

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