I am aware it is traditional to get the bridesmaids and groomsman a gift. I bought the girls' jewelry (but I got it at a very cheap price and they are aware of my deal...) so is it tacky and cheap to just give them that. I didn't go with very expensive jewelry for myself or them because it will only be worn that day, and that's it. I was going to make the guys a beer mug w/something manly etched into it. Now it's coming down to it, and we are getting backed out on by several of our family who was supposedly going to kick in some $ to pay. We can't be mad, if they can't afford it now (although we have only been planning for 2 months and you'd think they would have known if they could help out or not. whatever) so now I'm getting married in 5 days...and I'm going even more into debt to pay for the wedding expenses. I couldn't find the etching supplies to make the guys' mugs and now I'm not sure I'll find the time or money. What do I do?! How can I get them something for fairly cheap without it seeming cheap and last minute? And should I get the girls something else so the gifts are all of equal value?! Any ideas for either??? HELP?! (thanks...)
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention the fact that my fiance and I have DONE EVERYTHING for this wedding ourselves...decorations, set up, even planning so I'm rather dissappointed with some of the people in the wedding party and I am also angry we had to pay for one of the guy's tuxes...Maybe I'm becoming bridezilla, who knows?!