
I need some help with genealogy.

by Guest32566  |  earlier

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This is my husband's father and mine. No, these are two different I have exhausted all of the free search sites and have not found what I am looking for. I am looking for Ronald Stanley Roach who was born around 1957. He lived in California in 1981. The other one is Fredrik Burton Jamison(Ihave no idea how to spell that one), my hubby's father. I don't know when he was born, only that my hubby is 47, so he'd have to be older than that. He lived in or around Luling Texas in 1960. I have even checked for old phone books in those areas. Other than talking to our moms or going to or something, can you think of anything else I can do to find these men?




  1. Would you happen to know if either gentleman is still alive? The reason I'm asking this is because the Social Security Administration has a little known service for blood relatives to send messages to the kin they are seeking. I don't know the exact link you would need to go to, but you could call them and ask what to do.

    Basically, you write a letter to the individual in question - in your case your father. It would basically be a *Hi, I'm your child and I'm looking for you* type letter, and you must include YOUR contact information - snail mail address, etc. Leave the letter OPEN so the Social Security folks can read it and make sure you're not threatening the individual, etc. You then send the opened envelope and letter to SS - I don't know the address, you will have to contact them (SS) to find out where to send it. Once SS sees that you are just trying to contact the individual - they send the letter on to the address they have for the individual.

    The kicker is this -- the person receiving the letter must make the decision to reply BACK to you. In other words, it's up to THEM whether they want to hear from you. That can be a problem if they don't want to be contacted.

    This is a little known source for family members. I've never used it myself, but know others that have. Call the Social Security Administration for details. And good luck in your search!

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