
I need some help with my dog??

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Okay so i have a trained jack russel terrier mix who loves dogs and is such a sweetie!!!! We are thinking of getting a black lab (fully grown and trained) to accompany him but dont know what kind of steps we need to take to let my other dog what do we need to do so that he thinks we love him as much as the new dog and how do we need to prepare him and what do we need to do if we get a black lab ect. Just generally give me some advice please!




  1. Before you consider getting a new dog, make sure your dog is healthy. Dogs that have been spayed/neutered are more likely to get along with a new canine family member. This is because the natural hormones in dogs can cause rage or even breeding among other 'pack members'.

    Since your dog is well behaved around other dogs, you shouldn't have too much of a problem getting the dogs to adjust with each other. If possible, have the two dogs meet before you decide to adopt the labrador. Make sure it is not at one of the dogs homes. Otherwise, the dogs might begin to act territorial and 'defend' their home from the other dog.

    When the two dogs meet, make sure to give the dogs as much space as possible. If you keep your dog too close to you, your dog may get the impression that this new stranger is dangerous.

    Remember to respect the dogs' natural behaviors. You may confuse fighting with playing on some occasions. Unless the playing gets obviously dangerous, there is no need to break up the fight.

    The last thing I will say is that you should treat the two dogs equally. Just treat the two dogs the same way and you should be fine.

  2. first before you let the blback lab in the house, you, your other dog, and the lab on a walk around the nieghborhood. Because a pack walks together.

  3. .Please make sure you introduce them on neutral ground, then you most decide who is top dog in the house, and keep it that way by putting top dogs dinner down first treats first lead on first etc. i'm sure they will get on fine, don't worry your dog won't feel any less loved, good luck.

  4. just dont treat him any different when the new dog arrives dont ignore him

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