
I need some help with my genealogy, I am British living in the UK, where can I get help for free, I am?

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  1. Molly, right here is a place that you can get help for free. There are volunteers (on both sides of the pond) who can point you in a good direction.

    Assuming you are just getting started.. much of your info will be at home. Start right by using documentation.. prove your own link to your parents, then grandparents. YES>> there really is a reason I am telling you to use records for what you already know.  It is critical (even more so later) that you know to base your work on good records.

    In the UK, your census is open up to 1901. Again, if you can ask about someone specific, with a location/time frame, normally people here do lookups.  There are always *some& costs related to research.. the trick is networking, then spending your money where there is no other option. is one location where there is a total (free) transcription of the 1881 census.  This can help locate your ancestor.  It is a good idea if you can use that to also get the original image.

    General tips can come from either side... for specific resources, there are several UK based persons who have used more detailed records, and can help.

  2. The web sites below are free to use so might help, I would check with your local library to see what web sites they subscribe to. I believe some subscribe to Ancestry so you might be lucky.

    The first thing you should do is talk to any family members, gather any printed material ( certificates, diary's etc),

    and be organised you will quickly gather a lot of data and can get swamped.

    Good luck and good hunting

  3. UK answer.

    What kind of help are you asking for. You could edit your question and ask for the help on here or you could email me through my yahoo profile and I will help if I can, and it wont cost a penny.

    There are some excellent researchers that frequent the genealogy forum, and if they offer their help I would accept their offer if I were you.

    Hope this helps.

  4. Where I live, here in Devon the library has a subscription to where you can access it for free.

    There's also the IGI site and the free BMD site, although not complete it's quite useful.

    Give me a shout if you need any help, I've done my husband's family tree up to the 18th century and even a friend up to the 16th, so I've learnt a few tricks along the way :-)

  5. you can try for free censuses, for free birth, death and marriage information, for the Mormon's website, for forums that you can join, related to either a surname or geographical area you are interested in, for UK village/town/surname searches and for search through family trees listed on that site, although you do have to pay a subscription to view more detailed information or contact potential relatives.

    Once you get orientated on these websites, they often include a detailed list of other website or links you can visit which then open up a whole world of potential information.

  6. Try the Mormans site.

  7. Free Genealogy research site:

    Random Acts of Genealogy Kindness website.

    Volunteers will help you. All they ask in return is that you be willing to help someone else if needed. But there is not a mandatory requirement for this.

  8. I think you can see the 1901 census for free.

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