
I need some help with my hair!!!?

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please answer my question?!?! I didn't get an answer that I was looking for.




  1. If I'm understanding correctly you did not color your hair at all for 5 or so months and then recently dyed all or your hair the dark brown color. If so, you actually applied a new color to two different shades of hair.....your new growth (roots) and the remaining which was still somewhat the blue black color. Semi-permanent hair color works different on all of us based on our hairs unique texture, porosity and overall condition. Do not color your whole head of hair again as you will not get a lighter (dark brown) result. What you have done is deposit color instead of lifting. At  home coloring is a tricky business and if you truly do want to get rid of the dark ends you'll have to cut as your hair grows or seek professional help. It really wouldn't hurt for you to at least go in for a color correction consultation and have someone who can examine your hair in person help you further.  

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