
I need some help with my parents?

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I am 14 years old and have been working this whole week babysitting for the worst behaving kids I have ever seen. I work 9 hours every day for $125 this week. I started babysitting in january of this year and since then ive made probably around $1000 doing it. I have kept and spent $50 on myself out of that. My parents either steal it or make me give it to them. I spent my last week of summer working my butt off so that I would have some money to buy my school uniform. The pants and skirts cost $30 to $40 each. I did not want to give it to my parents because i need the clothes because school starts in 3 day and I cant show up in anything besides my uniform. My parents screamed at me for an hour before i finally gave it to them to start the yelling. They said that I did not care my about my family or that my dad is out of work and my mom works a c**p job at dollar generals. If I didnt care about my family then why would I waste my last week of summer? If I didnt care about my family then why each day would I work hard to make sure my own house is clean after working so long?I am the only one at my house who cleans!My sisters have the house a mess 5 seconds later. So if I dont care then why do i do all of this? They are the ones who dont care if I dont get to go to school because they guilt me into giving them my money which they go and spend on cigarettes and coke! What can I do? i want to run away because i cant stand the yelling and stealing!




  1. My heart goes out for you. You should be able to keep all the money you earn at this age and should not have to buy your school uniform with this money. It is ok to help your parents a little bit if they need it but they should certainly not make you do it or steal from you!

    You have to speak to your counsellor at school about this and ask for their advise and help. Don't run away, just ask for help at school how to deal with this situation.

  2. Your parents very well might just be lazy. I am a mom of two sets of twins with two jobs.

    When my kids turn whatever age and find little what not jobs they keep the money and yes buy them self's stuff with it, I would not touch it for nothing.

    The other people are right talk to a counsler let them know what is going on in your house.  

  3.      Yes exactly, that is your hard earned cash and you should be able to use it on yourself. I would understand if they maybe helped you budget the money and save it for collage, etc. Now that's just unfair. My parents would never think about taking my money even if they had lousy jobs. Yes, my mother has borrowed money from me but only to return it a couple months later and even put in a little extra.

       Try having a sit down meeting with them and disgusing what you think they're doing wrong. If that doesn't help, definetly try talking to a school councelor. My last advice would be, if it gets worse, go to Dr.Phil's website and contact him for help. Hopefully you'll get on the show.

  4. Depending on where you live, your parents can get into big trouble for doing that.  It's a form of child exploitation, which is illegal.  Talk to someone about it immediately.  Also, you can try explaining the incident to your clients and asking them to pay you by check.  That way, you'll have proof if they try to steal it.

    Talk to someone about this immediately.  In my book and in many others', this is a form of abuse.

  5. You sound like a very hard working child.  It's a shame that your own parents are taking advantage of you like this.  The first thing you should do is go get a bank account and put your money in the bank as soon as you get it.  Get an adult other than your parents to help you do this and DO NOT let your parents put their names on the account.  Next, get any one who pays you for babysitting to pay you with a check and write "For Deposit Only" on the back of the check.  That way no one can steal the check and it's only good for depositing in your bank account.  Third, once school starts, tell your counselor what is going on at your house.  They may be able to find help for you.  If you really want out of your house, and you want to continue to attend school and have a better life, then consider if it would be better for you to go to foster care than have parents who are stealing your money for drugs and cigarettes.  Running away will put you at great risk, you shouldn't do that.  See if maybe there is a relative you can confide in and go stay with for a little while.  Good luck.

  6. tell some body

  7. Talk to your school counselor. Maybe they can help purchase the uniforms for you. That is so crappy of them to do that to you. My husband has been out of work for over a year and my son has over $400 in his bank account and I would never think of taking that. If they are in such bad financial shape they can get public assistance until your dad is back to work. My husband and I had to do it so we could get food stamps and medical until he finds a job (Keeping my fingers crossed...he is on his way to a job interview right now!)

    Did you tell your parents that you need to get your uniforms? Parents are supposed to do without in order to provide for their children. It is not your responsibility to pay their bills.

    EDIT*** Your mom can always work a 2nd job too. I work full time graveyards and have 4 housecleaning jobs to provide for my family.

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