
I need some help with this?

by  |  earlier

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um well, my dad has some anger problems. he has only hit me a couple times. he drinks a lot lately. my mom says its not abuse. because he isnt that bad. he really only threatens me alot. its not like he threatens to kill me. he just says hes gonna hurt me sometimes. but he ussually doesnt. its not like i am suffering. i just wish he would get some help with his problems. hes a nice person most of the time. its just sometimes i am really rude to him, so he gets mad.

hes really not that bad, i just kind of get scared of him sometimes. like one time i was complaining about going out to diner. and he started yelling at me so i ran into my room and locked it. so then he knocked the door down and picked me up by my collar and threated me. it just seems like everything is say to him is the wrong thing. like he takes it the wrong way, even if i wasnt trying to be a brat.

for a while my mom and him had a plan to sent him to anger management, but thye kind of forgot about that. he has only hit me like three times, and it wasnt that bad. just little bruises that went away within a week. i just wanna know is this is considered abuse. or if i am just making a big deal out of nothing




  1. If you leave a's abuse.  I know that when he's nice...he's really nice.  But, if you're scared of him, well...then it's becoming a problem.  He needs help...but not only him...the rest of the family does too.  Maybe check into a family service program that teaches on anger within the family.

    If you keep acting like it's no big deal, he's going to think it is no big deal, and do it more.  

    Maybe just talk to a school counselor? always starts off "not too bad".

    Good luck with all this...


  2. Striking to the point of bruises is abuse.

  3. You are being abused your mom is saying your not because she is prob scared to. You need to talk to someone about this maybe a friend or other family member. Your dad has no right to touch you or your family and one day it could go to far. What your going through is not nice it needs to stop. Always remember you've done nothing wrong. Good luck.  

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