
I need some helpful ideas of how to wake 6 and 10 year old boys up in the morning.?

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My boyfriend's boys are staying with us for a few weeks and since my boyfriend leaves for work at 4 am it's my job to get them up and ready. I don't have any kids of my own. It's like trying to wake the dead! I banged on a pot with a wooden spoon this morning and it still took them a couple minutes. I don't want to be mean about it though.




  1. It is called an alarm clock.  If they aren't ready by the time they need to be take them as they are.  Two of my kids went to school in the PJs because they got lazy.  They no longer are lazy at getting up and ready in the mornings.  All three of my kids have alarm clocks my 5 year old my 8 year old and my 11 year old and they are ALL responsible for getting themselves up, dressed, ready for breakfast and out the door because I leave at the same time the bus arrives.  I don't argue, I don't negotiate.  Either they are ready or the go as they are.

  2. Give the 10 year old an alarm clock.  He's old enough to be responsible on his own.  Tell him that.  Make him feel good about doing it himself!  

    With the 6 year old, you can go into the room, open the blinds/drapes and let the sunshine in.....drag the covers off the bed.  And I personally wake my 7 year old stepdaughter a few minutes early so that we can talk about how her night went (dreams she had, if she woke up at all, etc.) and how the day is going to be (weather, activities planned, etc).

  3. Air horn. Works like a charm.

  4. My mom would take a cold wash cloth and put it on our face an tell us to get up. Kill two birds with one stone! Clean faces and you are awake!!

  5. Make it a race and do points for whose done the quickest. If they are five minutes ahead of you they get 5 points, but if they're a minute or two behind they lose a point or 2. After getting a certain number of points they win a prize which you can keep wrapped up somewhere they'll see it.

    2 minutes isn't that long though. I wake my daughter up at 7, then she gets up at 5 past 7. 2 minutes is actually quick to get out of bed!

  6. spray them with a squirt bottle, this may seem harsh if your not the parent though , you may want to ask dad how he feels about that, but if they are really that hard to wake it may be the only way, this is what i do when my kids wont get up. I do like the whole wash cloth thing someone told you too.

  7. Sit on their bed and talk to them and let them know what is going on today and tell them that if they don't get up soon then they will not be doing anything!

    You can also try rubbing their backs and tell them its time to get up!

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