
I need some helping making this really tough decesion

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what the do you guys think you I should do? Me and my mom fight alot so i have to get out..i dont have any friends i want to move in with, a apartment is to much. So i am thinking about joining the army to get some money, than moving out of state once i am back from the training and stuff. Moving to California, going to a college they pay for and getting a apartment...cause they give me extra money. I will also get a job. So i am pretty sure i can live off the money. Do you guys think its a good idea. I need help making the decesion!!!




  1. i think it sounds good but join the marines

  2. Uhm... seems like ur decision sounds based on moey facts or advantages... I believe to join the army or for me to say that joining the army is good would be if u had another feeling towards it. Not only the advantages but the feeling of protecting ur country and fightin for the right values etc. So i dont agree with ur way of thinking but... well if thats what u wants it seems to work

  3. I can tell that you have absoultely no idea of what being a member of the military means.

    You're probably 12 years old and not old enough to join, anyway.

  4. Don't fight with your mom)

  5. don't listen to the BS about joining for the wrong reasons, people have been joining the military to escape since the very first military, I'm willing to bet that almost half the military joined because it was either their best or only option left, any contract you sign is for 8 years whether its 2 or 4 years active your still in the inactive reserves and don't be fooled, alot of soldiers are being reactivated to serve the remainder of the 8, if you join then depending on where you're stationed your going to live on a base in barracks, if your in the reserves then its different, you would save a little bit of cash during BCT and AIT but in california its not gonna be enough to even cover the first and last months rent, just make sure you do your research and know what your getting into, the military is a good option but its not a wam bam BCT AIT then home free type of deal, expect to spend a significant time in iraq, like I said do your research.

  6. ok, after training ? do you mean ait? if so then you go off to your base and finish up your four years, then if you get out on a good discharge you will be able to move where you want and go to college, but also you can go to school while you are serving in the military. But either way you will have to serve out one enlistment before you can go off and live where you want and things like that.

    Also while you are in the army you will be living on base not in a apartment... after you get out is when you have the fredom

  7. First of all, do you have a high school diploma or GED?  If not, you may have a problem enlisting in the military.

    Secondly, if you do get in, then you have a commitment of at least 3-4 years before you can become a civilian again.  During that time, the military will tell you where you are going, where you will live, and what you will do.

    If you didn't like the amount of authority your mom laid on you, you won't like the military either.  

  8. I guess that is a good plan

  9. Never join for money.

  10. Honestly, I think you should try to work things out. Because you would will have a rude awakening if you think the military is ONLY going to get you money. IT will be hard work. And i'm sure i wouldnt want to be fighting beside someone who is only there for the money. Your heart should be in the right place. Serve your country and protect those who are being oppressed. i don't think its wise to join the military out of anger or for need of money. It will help you with college and expenses but it shouldnt be the main priority. Sure a lot of people use it for an escape, but sometimes, they wish they would have just stayed home. If your goal is to just get money, you can always find a decent job!

  11. Well you need to realize that once your done training they will station you on a base, you will get to live in a dorm, and you just can't move to California and go to college while in the service.

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