
I need some helpp..?

by  |  earlier

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Ok soon I am going to audition for a talent scouting agent for acting. I sent the agency an email asking them what kind of questions you get asked in the interview and got this reply

"Generally they will ask what you are interested in and a little bit about your life to get a sense of your personality. It is pretty low key"

So can someone please help me make it original? Because I don't want to bore them to tears telling them about my life and such lol. Any help is much appericated!




  1. Definately stress that you have a passion for acting. Talk about how that plays a big role in your life. Bring up what kinds of movies, actors, etc. inspire you, that's going to be a really important part. If you can sing or dance or something, bring that up too, they may be able to use that. If you're pretty into school, also let them know that so they'll know you can handle the pressure of taking this on too. Just try to be polite and pleasant, they really are probably trying to get a handle on your personality. Think of some talents you have they might be able to use, also. Good luck =]

  2. First of all, may I caution you to be wary and read any and all fine print - there are a frightening number of scams posing as talent agencies.

    As far as the interview, just be yourself, if a slightly more open and upbeat version of yourself. They want to know YOU, that's why they're asking you questions about yourself - if you aren't being authentic, they'll figure that out sooner or later.
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