
I need some horse leasing info please.?

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i am thinking of leaseing for next summer and i want to know what its like. do you have to pay a seperate fee for borowing a truck and traylor? how much do you pay for leaseing? is it that much month by month? how long do you lease? for rodeos, do you prepare the the leased horse months before or not? do you work with the horse on a certian event while leaseing or do you lease longer for practiceing for the event and then do the shows on the rest of the lease? please tell me all you know. thankyou!




  1. Its different everywhere you go. Some places its more than buying because not only do you have to medical bills, boarding, and shoes, but you have to pay the owner an additional cost. At my barn its really cheap. You only have to pay the owner cost which can range from $100-$300!!! Just ask your local barns/stables or call from the phone book. You still have another year though...

  2. When you lease a horse, it would be safe to sign papers that indicate how long the lease is and what you are responsible for.  Usually, you pay vet, boarding, horse shoeing and any other expenses that would be incurred during the lease.

  3. well, in England, this si how it goes.

    You find a horse that your interested in and you nigociate with the owner an arrangement that suits you.

    If it is better for you, you pay weekly, but if you like you can pay monthly.

    Usaully you dont get a trailer. Just the horse and often you will have to buy things for it, just like owning your own horse but without the vets bills.

    Sometimes you can keep the horse on the yard it was living on before but some people want you to take the horse away and board it elsewhere.

    Alot of the time you have to buy your own things for it but when you decide to get rid of it, you can keep them.

    and thats about it really. it can cost anywhere between £15 - £30 depending on where you go but thats around $30 - $60

    oh, you do get to take them to shows but rember, loaning/leasing is not fixed. there are no rules so just talk to the person you will be loaning from and you can come up with something together.

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