
I need some horse names??

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My daddy just bought a field and three horses for me and i need names for them. my daddy had stables built and i am getting their names engraved on gold plates on their stables as long as i get their names




  1. Sent from wherever...   You have posted you are 13 in one post, have a 20 month old son in another, you need a new name for a kitten today and have posted some very adultlike jokes here as well.

    If you are well enough to post here, perhaps you can convince your doctor to give you a note to return to work.  

  2. you are a spoilt little brat who seems to take EVERYTHING for grantted. you clearly dont know ANYTHING about horses and i hardley doubt you are going to get their names ingraved in GOLD! so not only are you spoilt you are a lier as well, and these type of people i cannot be bothered with. so have fun killing your horses, and over breeding them (as you clearly dont know anything!!!!!!!!!!!!)

  3. G   Ge

  4. Well aren't you clever?? You will most probably end up with foals! It also sounds like you went into this without thinking and dont know anything about horses.

    edit - yvonne? sorry but they are in the UK

  5. my sister has a horse,and she calls him morgan which i think is a wonder-full name. two other names spring to mind,Wyatt and earl.i know it is all very wild west,but what do you think?

  6. 1st mare- Black beauty- barn name- beauty

    2nd mare- blink of an eye-  barn name- blinky

    1st stallion- Thunders Rage- barn name- thunder.

    The first set of names could be their show names if you want to show them, and their barn names are what u call them around the barn

  7. Blaze



    You should get to know their attributes and attitudes and go from their and have their name plates made in a couple weeks when you find some that fit the individual.

    You dont want to end up with Princess when she is a little devil

    Blaze when she is slow and lithargic

    get to know them and something will come to you

  8. for the mares





    ok now for the stallion





  9. Stargazer



    I wish I was you, you lucky thing!

  10. Red Rum , Trigger and Silver !

  11. neddy

  12. type in on your main search box on your internet 'names for horses' and you'll get loads of names come up ive done it before! your a very lucky girl to have your daddy buy you everything like that! what are you planning to do?are you going to breed from them?is this the first time youve had horses? i'll give u a list of all the horses that ive had to see if u like any of there names - candyfloss,william,kizzy,cherry,tonka,sn... and bess! alot i know! hope it helps!

  13. You aren't spoiled. They are being mean.

    Stallion: Love Me Tender, Dark Night, Midnight, No Sky

    Mare No spot: Freda, Chula, Penney, Rosie, My Hearts Joy

    Mare With Spot: Blink Mist Minnie, Sunshine, Lovely Nite.

    Hope this works! There are cheap gold plates in the dovery saddlery cataloge too, Good LUck!

  14. Get to know them and name them yourself

  15. Midnight Moon- Mare with spot

    Dark Chocolate- Stallion

    Ebony- Mare

  16. I sure hope you're not in the US because here we call "stables" stalls. You shouldn't be getting a stallion unless you want to wind up hurt. And with two mares, you're bound to have babies because you probably can't control a stallion. And having foals would not be very good for an inexperienced person to handle, you won't be able to recognize any warning signs that your mare is having problems and then she'll die. Sorry to be so harsh but it just seems like you don't know the first thing about horses.

    Anyway there's a girl at my barn who seems like you and she named her gelding (that's a neutered boy horse) Just Ask Daddy, which she calls Daddy for short.

    You could name you're mares, Black Beauty, and Merry Legs, those names go together.

    EDIT** Musical- I know, I just forget that there are people that don't use the same terminology that I do.

  17. Dobbin



  18. Afternoon Delight, call her Noon



  19. WOW, what a lucky young thing you are...3 horses for you,gold plates...

    Don't the horses already have names? Do you really need to change them? Why is it folk keep buying and selling horses,move them from pillar to post and change their names without one thought for the horse's feelings?

    when i was a kid i worked at a stables and one of my favourite horses to ride was called Midnight.

  20. What color, personality, need info!!

    try http://www.horses-and-horse-information....

    they have a lot of names a-z!

  21. Sparkle



  22. You don't say if they are male or female, what color or what they are like.  If you can Add to your question, maybe we could help you out.

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