
I need some ideas for G-rated dares for a wedding kissing game?

by  |  earlier

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Basically the game is someone pops a balloon and inside is a slip of paper with some task they have to perform, such as "Give the couple your best marriage advice" or "Do an impression of a chicken" etc. I need more ideas! They must be g-rated and they must mostly be able to be done by a 90 year old woman. THANKS!




  1. We made everyone stand up and sing a song with "love" in it.

    They ranged from the grandchildren singing "Skinnimarinkidinkydink, Skinnimarinkydoo, I love you" to adults pantomiming "Love, love me do" and the "do you love me? will you love me forever?" part of paradise by the dashboard light...

    It was a scream!

  2. try ....

    immitate your favorite commercial

    immitate a telemarketer!


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