
I need some ideas for an art project to do with two year olds..?

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I want it to revolve around things that go cars, airplanes, trucks, skateboards, trains bus, ext... it can be just one of them but i have no ideas! any suggestion will help




  1. Precut pictures from magazines and let them paste in a big mural collage on the classroom wall.  Predraw roads, sidewalks, traintracks and clouds so that you can talk about where the things that go actually do go!

    See if you can find coloring books with pictures of transporation and let them color.

  2. there are thomas the engine toys at a retail store go there

  3. Hmmmmmmmm i have a 6 month old, but i guess a two year old would love to go to Toys Ur Us and shop around for things. Just be sure to have A LOT OF MONEY. cause if you dot then dont even look into the store. If u wanna be cheap, then go to the $0.99 store. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAH


  4. I'd pick out 2 - 3 books on different types of transportation and read them.  Afterwards I'd tell them about some other means of transportation not covered in the books.  Keep it simple, they are only 2!!!

  5. You can make vehicles using various shapes.

    Precut vehicle shapes and let them paint  or finger paint them on the easel or table.

    make a favorite car book: cut pictures from magazines.

    Have group paint a huge box as a bus, taxi, car and leave in the class area.  I just use one side of a large refrigerator box and put chairs on the other side.  Then I can put it behind something for storage.

    Paper bag  or shoe box cars: stuff paint and put lids for wheels.  A straw pushed through with plastic lids will roll.

    that's all I can think of....I'm on this theme too but with 3 and 4's

  6. do a colage

  7. Two year olds? They can barely clap their hands together let alone understand the concept of art. They are still learning to play and that with bright, shiny and colorful things that make weird noises. Good Luck!

  8. You can dip hot wheel cars into paint, and roll them over paper- making tracks. Use different color paint for different size wheels.

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