
I need some ideas for an imaginative world essay?

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I'm doing an english essay on creating new worlds and thinking about the possibilities--questions like 'what if?'. I have to image the new world then think of laws ethics landmarks the people, plants, animals and the places there. I also need a coat of arms and an imaginary historical event. I have a couple of things down but they aren't really good.

In summary I need some ideas on:

--the people

--the places

--the cultures



--plants and animals

I especially need:

--a imagined historical event


--some ideas for a tourist brochure of the world and it's places

The people plants places and animals are also important

and if there are any more ideas--even crazy ones like flying animals--i'd appreciate it if you told me.

Thanks to everyone who answers!!




  1. Why don't you do an 'argue type essay' which could incorporate most of these things. Such as:-

    Education is the single most important factor in the development of a country. Do you agree?

  2. I am not sure, if this can be helpful to you, but what if you looked at some printings from Max Ernst, (like Europa after rain, Temptation of st, Anton etc) and tried to describe it with your words and imagination, what is going on there, give it an imaginary historic and social context, create names, dates, rules etc, to the things you might see there, everything you need.

  3. Have you read Utopia by: Thomas More...great book and an imaginative world!

    You should read it it might give you ideas!

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