
I need some ideas of cute crafts to do to my room. Also to help organize it!! I am a 7th grade girl?

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I don't want my room to look junky though




  1. Gather together your favorite pictures. These could be pictures of you and your family, you and your friends, or pictures from a magazine. Back them with pretty color paper or make fun frames around them. Hang them up all over your wall.

    Make a list of your favorite quotes and write them on big paper in a pretty handwriting. Hang these up too.

    You can hang homemade mobiles from the ceiling, using hangers and put cute dolls and things coming down.

    Most importantly: HAVE FUN and only choose things you like to look at because you're going to be looking at it a lot!


  2. Hey, i may not be the best decorator, but i have a few cool organizing ideas:

    1. To keep your handbags on display, hang them in a line on your wall, try to use ones that match your decor.

    2. Corkboards are fun! Get two or three and line them up on your wall. Display important papers and pics of you and your friends.

    3. A dress form is also a fun idea. They have a few nice ones at and they look nice, plus are a cool way to display a new dress for a formal ocassion. Good luck with your room!

  3. stainless steel plates and drawers and knives and masks and instruments. all made of steel. i have some stuff, like a vegatable steamer, that looks cool on a wall.


    i love watching stuff, though im a bit too old

    maybe these crafts will help

    also try fingertips :P

  5. For organizing big stuff I like the different colored canvas boxes, you could put them on a shelf, they fold flat when not in use. Now if you don't have money to purchase them, I have another idea. I use cardboard boxes with lids, the kind that office paper comes in are great. Then get some really cool wrapping paper that you like and cover the box, I just taped it on like a  present. Wrap the lid separately.For desk supply organization I bought little clay flower pots in different sizes. They are really cheap. You can use the larger size for pens and smaller size for paper clips, whatever. You can customize them any way you want, paint, decoupage, stickers. If you make your own throw pillows it is a lot cheaper then buying them. You can buy the material or recycle old clothes to use for making the pillows. I think paper cranes are really neat as a mobile or I saw in a music video they were hanging from the ceiling all over the room. That I don't know about, you would have to ask your parents if you could do it without damaging the ceiling. Also go to garage sales this summer. You can buy lamps for a couple of bucks and paint them if you don't like them or add trim to the lamp shade. Plus you may find a lot of other cool things at a garage sale. Have fun! Have a happy and safe summer.

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