
I need some ideas of what i can do with a seven year.....

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My cousin is seven years old, but im not to sure what to do with her sometimes, im talking about like indoor activites, i really need help, i dont want her to be bored so plz help me to think of some good indoor activities.




  1. 7 is a great age.

    Bake cookies, teach her to knit, or do puzzles.  Make a collage out of old magazines. Let her teach you how to do the new "patty-cake" routines or sing like a rap star.

    Play dress up and let her put make up on you. Paint each others toenails.

    Let her braid your hair. Teach her to play jacks.

    Go outside and gather up sticks, leaves, feathers and berries., and take a dollar store candle and  glue the sticks all over it.

    Teach her to do papier-mache with old newspapers.

    Jump rope.

    Let her show you how to blow big bubbles with bubble gum.

    Do the dictionary challenge. Let her flip through the dictionary and YOU have to spell wha tshe picks out. (fun for both)

    Teach your dog a trick or two.

    Play"Let's fold laundry" or "Let's rearrange the closet"

    Let her read to you, while you are curled up on the couch with her.

    Tape her singing or telling you a story.

  2. does she likes barbies? try to do a dress up and see if she wil like it. Do her hair and make up (little make up and take off later of course) do eachotheres nails. Girls love stuff like that.

    Cook with her, make her fav cake.

    Draw with her if she is artist, buy one of those kits and make someting wtih her.

  3. bake something sweet! that is always fun!

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